The Drama

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Dear Diary,

Chase is perfect! We get to know more about each other as time went by. The group? Well, we got to bond more and we get to know each other more.

Every day, he surprised me with simple gestures that made my heart melt. One day before class, he surprised me when I found a single pink carnation and a note in my locker. The gesture made me love him more.

Everything is perfect until...

It was Saturday and that means the group will meet at Marie's house (more like mansion actually) to hangout. I got up early and do my morning jog to the direction of Chase's house. I plan to surprise him that day because I felt bold and courageous and I just want to surprise him for a change.

I bought his favorite coffee in Starbucks and his favorite pancake in the other store. I know it's not that fancy and I know it has less effort not as he did but hey its the thought that counts right? Anyway, the idea just pops up in my brain as I was on the run.

I was walking to his house with a coffee in one hand and a bag of pancakes with the other. I was near the park when I noticed Chase and Bryce walking to the entrance of the park. I was about to call them when suddenly an arms wrap around Chases' torso and they laughed out loud. I thought it was one of his cousins or even Ezra but I was proven wrong when the owner of that arms jumped on his back doing a piggyback ride.

The girl has long flaming red hair that swayed gloriously with the air. Her laughter sounds sexy and sultry as I heard a snippet of their conversation. The girl in his back is no other than Liza Osburn, his ex-girlfriend for a year.

I just stopped mid-step and stand rooted in the sidewalk. Even Bryce laughed with them which adds fuel to the fire, I felt betrayed. They didn't even saw me looking at them with hurt and confusion in my eyes.

Before that day, he texted me early that morning telling me that he will not be in school the whole day because of some family issues they are dealing with. The night before, he texted me that he will be in bed early and bid me goodnight early. I don't mind these things at all but seeing what I saw today, its as if there is a nagging feeling inside of me that Liza is somewhat behind this all.

I was conflicted whether I'll announce my presence to them or just backtracked and just wait for his text or to say it to me in person. I chose the latter with a heavy heart, anyway we'll meet that day so I'll just wait for him to tell me first.

After an hour, I readied myself... for confrontation perhaps? It makes me nervous and I dreaded the day ahead. Diary, you know I hate confrontations at all! I preferred walking away in a fight and cry my heart out in private than be in the spot where confrontations are headed between a party, much more if I'm the one in the receiving end.

I drove my car to Marie's house and there I met the guys and Chase was late. When he arrived he came straight to me and kissed me in the cheek and acted like nothing at all. He acted like himself although I'm positive that he was somewhat puzzled by my somewhat distant and cold demeanor. I also noticed that he was somewhat avoiding prolonged eye contact with me and he was zoning out sometimes in our discussion. We discussed the forthcoming football match between our school and its rival school.

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