Ken, Kidnapping and Jackie Chan

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Dear Diary,

     Today, I woke up early than I want it to be. I dunno, I just want to wake up around mid-morning just cuddling my comforter but my body and mind won't let me. I saw the clock it was just 5 AM. Is it because of what happened yesterday? The date I mean..

    So, reluctant to leave my comfy bed I hauled myself and get ready to have a run in order to clear my mind. Its been weeks since my last run and I honestly think that I need the exercise.

   I silently walked out of our house and headed to the direction of the park then I stopped and I remembered that the park just houses away from Chase's house so I took the opposite route. I passed residential houses, convenience stores, coffee shops, and five blocks later with sweat matted my hair, I saw someone in the line with my vision.

    He (yes, a boy) is wearing a white sleeveless shirt wet from running, gray trainer pants, running shoes with earphones blasting some music. He is ahead of me maybe three car tops so I am only seeing his backside. From my point of view, his shoulder is broad, with muscle in his biceps that bulges whenever he swings his arms. I was so engrossed in checking him out that I didn't notice a banana peel sticking out from a bunch of litter on the floor. The next thing I know, I was shrieking from losing my balance and I was on the floor with my butt hurting from the impact.

   "Ow! My butt!" I was so busy rubbing my behind that I didn't notice him approaching me and offering his hand.

  "Abby?! Are you okay?" I looked up and our eyes met. Then I rolled my eyes as he was about to laugh.

  "Laugh it out. Don't hesitate because it may come out not from your mouth but from your ass." I grumpily said as he attempted not to laugh but seconds later he hollered loudly while clutching his stomach and he plopped down next to where I sat.

  "What the... I almost didn't hear you because of this, but as the music ends that's the time I heard a loud shriek and guess what, I found you lying near a dumpster and massaging your behind." He laughed but not so loud as earlier and motioning his earphones in his hand.

  "Whatever." I stand up and dusted my pants as he stands up and offered his hand for me to take.

  "So, you jog too? No wonder you were so cool back in our gym class when we played dodgeball." He motioned us to continue jogging as he looked at me and to the road.

  "No shit Einstein." I just jogged at his side slowly as he leads the way.

  "Still grumpy I see. Raise you to the dock. The loser will buy drinks later. Deal?" Before he said anymore, I fastened my pace to running leaving him open-mouthed then I shouted "deal!" but I'm way ahead of him already.

   I won. And in short, we are walking back to the nearest coffee shop where he has to pay. And did I mentioned his name yet? I guess not. To cut the drama, he is Ken Andrews. That's right, Chase's close friend the one with an easy smile and the player of the group.

   "What will you have?" He looked at me and smile while I roam my eyes around the store for a booth for us.

   "Surprise me" that's what I said and he looked at the guy and gave our order. I went to the booth next to the glass window and waited for Ken to sat down.

   He ordered caramel machiatto for me while for him is an espresso, two platefuls of a Belgian waffle, bacon, and egg. We ate in comfortable silence while looking at the scenery outside.

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