Shopping for Meet-the-Parents Dress

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Dear Diary,

My mind is in turmoil right now. Tomorrow is the day that I'll meet his parents for the first time. I'll get to know him deeper as I'll observe firsthand what he is inside his house and what he is in front on his family.

Although I know him from school, these past months seem like a dream. I thought I know him but I was wrong. Before this, I never know the real Chase but now, I somewhat saw glimpses of his real self.

On the outside, he is cocky, mischievous and portrays a happy-go-lucky type of guy but on the inside, he is so much more. Yes, he is cocky, mischievous but he is not happy to go lucky at all. He seriously cared for his friends, he is not the jock that I've known from what the grapevine said he was.

He is handsome, smart and responsible and tomorrow I know that I'll add something to this list.

Mom was so adamant that we go out shopping while I was pouting during our trip. You see, I hate shopping especially with mom in tow. I am the forever21 type of girl while she is the Christian Dior or Chanel type. You get what I mean right?

"You know hon, the first impression is very important. You have-" I cut her off shortly because I know where this conversation was leading to.

"But you said that I just have to be myself!" I rolled my eyes as I noticed that we are nearing our destination.

"Yes you're correct but I'm also correct. Okay, what was in your mind about what you will be wearing?" She asked me if she knows that I don't have a classy taste just like her.

"Umm, I have a dress somewhere at the back of my closet. Remember that Ella had been adamant that I'll learn something that summer. That includes torturous hours of mall hopping and makeup lessons that was horrible." I cringe as I remembered what I've experienced in the hands of my cousin.

"Ha! I must call her after to thank her for that but for now, tell me what you have in mind." We are in the parking lot and she was looking for a spot to park.

"There's a 'Christian Dior' white dress that came just inches-" I thought that if I said the brand she would agree but I was wrong.

"Too boring. I saw that dress and it gives no justice to your shape." Mom shakes her head and parked the car after the previous car got out from its spot.

"How about the dark pink and black belted peplum dress paired wi-" again I was interrupted by mom as we exited the car.

"Hon, it's for office after party not meet the parent party type of dress." I nodded in agreement.

"How about the dark blue draped dress with embellished shoulders?" I hope that I would get her approval but my guess is wrong.

"The color is not suitable for you hon. Look, just bear with me and I know you'll have to thank me later as we find the perfect dress. Come on honey, cheer up!" She dragged me to the nearest store as I muffled a silent curse.

The word 'shop till we drop' is an understatement. I told you diary that going with mom was a bad idea. We've been to every different high-class store in the mall with clothes in it. My pout must be eminent as  I trudged along with mom.

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