Dodgeball and The Bet

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Dear Diary,

I haven't seen Chase all morning and I've only seen him during PE class. Well, we are not in the same class but we have the same time. I am under Ms. Blake and he was with Coach Hendrix. We are on the right side of the gym doing our thing while I saw him on the left side playing with his other teammates.

Ms. Blake and Coach Hendrix got the idea that they combined the class into one to play the newest game in town. DODGE BALL! yehey! (mark the sarcasm). Can they be more original? Why not play hide and seek or snake and ladder? (another sarcasm) So, in the end, it's Team Blake vs Team Hendrix.

As I scan my teammates I mentally cringe because, on our team, it mostly composed of some of the cheering team, some geeks, some lanky (emo) guys, and my consolation one or two-player of the basketball team. Then I scan Chases' teammates and I double cringe. They mainly composed of the 5 football team members, some odd out and some cheering team led by the queen bitch herself.

Our eyes met and he nodded with a wink while I docked my head avoiding eye contact. Then I scanned once again his teammates and my eyes met a pissed blue-eyed Mandy.

"Okay class, today we'll play dodgeball. I have three rules: 1) No hitting below the belt; 2) No swearing and lastly 3) Just enjoy the game and be a sport." Coach Hendrix's booming voice echoed the gym.

"Now form a line. One in each group. Then face your opponent and shake hands." Ms. Blake whistled and the game began.

One by one the group decreased its number. Some intentionally is hit by the ball to avoid exerting themselves. Then five in each team left, me and Chase included. Our eyes made contact again and a knowing smirked plastered in his mouth.

"Yo Mason, let's have a bet." He said playfully while holding a ball trying to hit one in my team.

I raised my left eyebrow and said: "A bet?" "Yeah. If we win, you'll be my slave for two weeks but if your team wins, I will be yours" he added while smirking. His other teammates snorted and some made hooting sounds.

I'm contemplating whether to agree or not while dodging balls that came my way. As the game continued my eyes landed on Mandy and she has that 'i-dare-you' look in her eyes adding a glare that tells it all. Then I looked back to Chase and I noticed that he was staring at me. I don't know what got into me but I said: "game on!"

I looked at my teammates and they seemed to silently conversed at one another when I looked at the other team they also had a sort of meeting on their own.

"Guys, I know that you also want to win this game so please lets just put aside our indifferences and hate to one another and let's kick some butts. Are you on?" They looked at one another and nodded their heads, a determined look on their faces plastered.

Ivan Lopez of the basketball team devised a strategy and share it with the group. After we got what he was saying I noticed that I am placed to the back of the four of them. I was a little bit annoyed but as an only girl of the group they must have seen me as a liability than an asset to the team so I just go with the plan. I will just prove to them that they are wrong!

The game resumed and balls fly from different directions. I noticed that their strategy is much more solid than us because after 5 minutes we are down to 4 members. Chase with a smirk, had his eyes on me all the time which adds to my discomfort.

At one point in the game, Ken Andrews, Chase's best friend and also a member of the soccer team aimed the ball at me. I don't know how I've done it but I put it to my adrenaline who's pumping and my heart beats faster than normal but the next thing I know I sidestepped his aim while doing a backflip and I aim the ball in my possession to one of his teammates and it got hit.

A loud "damn!" is heard and I focused my eyes to where it came from and a huge grin escaped my mouth. Two of his teammates got hit: Noah Peters and Alex Putt both Chase's buddies in the football team. How? The ball that I flung hit Alex in the head and bounced sideways and hit Noah in the arm. I mentally do my chicken dance and pat my head.

My other teammates in the bleachers erupted in a cheer while the one on the field gave me a pat on the back. I distinctively heard some said "how did she do it?" while others (led by Mandy) just snorted. Anyways, it gained all of their attention to our game which again adds to my discomfort.

Group check: 4 members left on our team while they only have 3. They hurdle to each other and that's our cue to do ours. "Damn, I didn't know you have moved in your sleeve girl!" Geoff Diaz one guy of the basketball team said while signaling a high five which I gave.

"'Kay boys, we can do this. 3 more left. Don't chicken on me, show them what we've got." They all nodded for confirmation with a smile and put their right hand forward. They must have done this every time in their team. I just roll my eyes for the cliches but I complied nonetheless. I just hid my smile and nod my head instead.

Fast forward to twenty minutes later and Coach Hendrix announced that if in another ten minutes no one got eliminated in each group, whoever had the most number of teammates will win. Both teams nodded and both teams are determined to win.

I caught the eyes of Ivan and he winked signaling our change of plan. This plan is to focus our ball on Chase. If they throw the ball at me, I must catch it and together we aimed at him. We know that we can implement our plan because the passed minutes they only focused on me which I dodge easily all of their advances.

It's like an action movie with slow motion where you can see clearly what everybody's moves are. You can see the perspiration trickled down my forehead or the bobble of Geoffs' Adam's apple as he gulped his saliva or the knot in Chases' eyebrows as he concentrates more and the muffled scream of everyone at the bleachers.

Then as if a pin dropped in the background, flashes of events came next. We successfully hit Chase which I accidentally hit his head and he accidentally hit the post behind him which cause him to blackout. A loud screeching scream from someone on the bleachers erupted and the next thing I knew a ball hit my head too really hard and I stumble to gain my balance.

Before my vision dimmed I saw a fuming Mandy tackled by Ms. Blake and some of my teammates and a loud whistle that came from Coach Hendrix.

Talking about eventful day huh? The next thing I know, I'm in the nurse's office and boy I'm into a rollercoaster ride.


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I didn't update this past week due to the holidays and school stuff. So what do you think?😜

Lany 🐰

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