Marie and Firsts

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Dear Diary,

   Days came like a blur and today is Friday so tomorrow is my first ever date with my prince charming. After the guys left on Wednesday, mom and I talked. She gave me the 'talk' about the birds and the bees. I with Marie had our bonding moment during Thursday night and we talked a lot before retiring the night rather a morning of today so I'm feeling tired from lack of sleep and nervous for the next day which is my 'date' day.

   During the 'talk' I feel awkward about it but it's comical to see that my mom sniffling from time to time and whispering "my baby is all grown up" or "my baby is going on a date".

  The next morning after the guys visit, at school during lunch, they all talked to me on how cool my parents are and how they loved my family. When I have my duty at the nurse's office, Marie came and we talked.

  "Hi Ms. Cami, can I talked with Abby outside?" Marie looked at Ms. Cami with a toothy smile and waited for her confirmation.

  "Sure. Its alright Abby you may go. Luckily we don't have many patients for today. After you talked you may go back to your classes." We are dismissed by a wave of her hand and she goes back reading some medical book. We thanked her and wave her goodbye.

  "What's up?" I asked her curiously. The direction she points out is the gym so I walked with her.

  "You don't have a class?" I again asked her to stop the tension that building inside my head. What did she want? Why so serious? It's the first time I saw her this serious so I'm freaking out on the inside. My inner walls building up one by one.

   She must have noticed my sudden actions as she looked at me and smiled.

  "Oh shush. I'm not gonna hit you or anything. I just want to have a talk with you. You know, just you and me without the others." She explained with pointing at the hereby bleacher so we can sit and talk.

  "Ohh. I thought it must be serious or something." I was relieved by what she said and smiled timidly.

  "Well, I know that you've been with the group for just weeks but honestly I liked you. You're not like the other girls who 'tried' to be on our group. I mean, they want to hang out with us but they have an ulterior motive which is to be noticed by one of the guys."  She looked at the side where there are some students who played toss.

  "Thank you I guess. You know I know that you're beautiful, rich, down to earth like they said but knowing you personally, it's true and much more. During this time, I observed that you're more beautiful inside and out. I mean, you did not brag about your wealth,  (although sometimes you pay for our meal, they don't abuse that fact and you even sometimes let Juno pay your meal)..."

    "Pff! Of course coz he is my boyfriend." She just rolled her eyes and I just smile and continue what I'm saying before she interrupts.

     " share what you have with the group like food, dress when needed by someone, knowledge with your vast experiences without bragging and seemed know-it-all, your house and everything in it, and your friendship." I looked at my shoe as if its the most interesting thing at that time. I know I'm not looking at her because I'm embarrassed.

    "Thank you. You know what? You're the very first person to acknowledge all of that about me. The girls are awesome but not once did they say something like this to me. Although I'm not that eager to hear those words once in a while I think I like to hear those words for me to feel I belong and I'm doing the right thing for my friends." She said that with a quiver in her voice and I know that she was close to crying.

   "Um, don't cry on me, please. I don't know what to do if you start bawling your eyes out. I didn't tell that to you to cry, I was aiming for you to smile." I said awkwardly while patting her shoulder softly and frantically looking if someone can see us.

  "Pff..sorry I made you awkward it's just that I'm touched and I'm just happy that's all. Anyway, why are you not looking at me? Do I have something on my face?" Her smile had that bubbly sound and I know that she stopped in her thought about crying.

  "What? No of course not, I am looking at you right now and no, you don't have anything in your face except flawless makeup." I looked at her eyes just a bit to prove to her that I'm looking at her but I immediately ducked my head and looked at my shoes. That earned a chuckle from her and she hugged me.

  "Don't be awkward with me. I would like it that we can be closer to that before if possible be best friends. Like talked anything and everything without awkwardness between us." She nudges my arm softly and looked at me happily.

  "Sure I would love to but heads up once you know me you'll be annoyed. I ramble a lot and zoned out a lot. I'm clumsy sometimes so be aware." I looked at her fully and smile my meh smile. We laughed out aloud and we hugged.

  "Thank you." She said.

  "No, I'm the one who should thank you. Thank you for being a friend with the awkward me." I sincerely said and we stand up as we heard the bell rang.

  "So, I heard that CJ asked you out on a date this Saturday?" She looked at me and wiggled her eyebrows. I laughed at her reaction and I just nod blushing profusely.

  "So where will he take you?" She dragged me to the lockers and stopped when we were near in her locker.

  "I've no idea as to its my first ever date. I don't even know what to expect, what to wear and what to say. I'm freaking out and I don't know if he will like me when the date is over. I don't know if I'll behave correctly in front of him. I don't even know why he asked me out in the first place, I mean I'm not his type because he goes with the like of Natasha Shaw, Liza Osburn, Mandy ..." I stopped and looked at her noticing that she had a shocked expression.

   "I told you I sometimes rambled a lot." I smiled shyly at her and we laughed aloud together.

  "Yeah. Now I see what you mean. Can I come to your house for a sleepover to have some bonding time with you and to answer all your questions as we can't continue our discussion right now?" She looked at me expectantly with her puppy looked face I just laughed.

  "Sure why not. I know that my parents will approve as this is my first sleepover aside from my cousin of course. So tonight at 8 at my house." We again hugged and went our separate ways.

    You know diary, I just noticed that I have so many first experiences this school year. 

    ✒First hug from a guy (Chase during the first day of school)
    ✒First home visit from friends
    ✒First guy best friend (Alex)
    ✒First female best friend (Marie)
    ✒First sleepover
    ✒First date

     I just hope that I won't embarrass my self when Chase is with me. Can you help me diary?! God, I'm being crazy right now!


* * * * *

   Another chapter guys. I just have a question... Do you have any suggestions about ship names of each couple? If you have, please leave your comments and suggestions. Thanks. 😜

  Don't forget to vote, please. 😁😘

Lany 🐇

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