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Devlyn Tevere"Stop it

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Devlyn Tevere
"Stop it." I bluntly tell the man dressed in a suit.

He won't stop trying to kiss me.

He has me backed up against a wall and for some reason, I can't punch him, I can't move from my current position.

Hell, I can barely talk.

"Stop it!" I try to yell and claw at him but my body refuses to move.

I feel paralysed, it all feels unreal.

He starts hungrily tearing my clothes off my body, his touch making me feel like garbage.

A soundless scream escapes my mouth the moment he pushes himself into me and I thrash around in his arms, trying to break free.

He shoves his hand over my mouth, shutting up my scream that wasn't filled with any sound anyway.

I continue to scream into his hand when I feel a grip on my hand tighten.



"Devlyn, wake up!" The voice urges again.

My eyes fly open and I shut my mouth, stopping my loud scream.

I look around to see myself in a familiar room, sleeping in a familiar bed.

I can feel a small pinch in my hand, like that of a needle.

I look down to see an IV connected to me.

I'm sick of these fucking drugs.

I grab it and start disconnecting it from me when someone grabs my hand and peels it away from the needle.

"Don't, it's get rid of the drugs in you."

I look at where the voice came from and my eyes meet Roman's face.

It's filled with concern, relief, emotions that I can't decipher.

"And it was just a dream, you're safe now." He gives my right hand a reassuring squeeze and rubs the top of my hand with his thumb.

His touch is calming, it makes me feel safe, happy, even.

In that moment, I don't know what took over me but all I felt was a bunch of emotions surging through me.

I didn't realize what I was doing, I just did it.

I didn't consider it before I did it, the reckless part of me took over.

I kissed him.

I leaned in, pulled his face close to mine and closed the gap in between our lips.

It felt so right, all I could feel was euphoria, ecstasy, an override of feelings that confused the life out of me.

I was feeling too much, feeling too soon, feeling too much.

I'm a criminal, I'm a drug lord, an assassin, a person with no feelings, nobody to love or nobody I should love.

This is wrong, yet it feels so right.

After a few seconds, Roman pulls away, cutting the kiss short.

"About what you said, about what that night meant for us; I think I'm willing to give us a chance." I slowly say, looking into his brown eyes with my forehead resting against his.

"Stop." Roman suddenly says.

"What?" I breathe, pulling back to look at him.

"As much as I love you and want to wife and fuck the life out of you, I want you to think about what you're saying right now," Roman says, sounding like his thoughts are set in concrete.

"What are you saying?" I ask, needing more confirmation.

"I'm saying I want you to rethink this. Don't just, kiss me because you're happy I saved you, don't say you want an us because I saved you, say it because you mean it."

The fuck?

What does this bitch think he's saying?

A surge of anger possesses me and I don't think over what I say next.

"Are you saying that I don't mean what I'm saying right now?" I snap.

"No, but-"

"Well I mean it when I say this; get out." I cut Roman short, giving him a glare.

"Just hear me ou-"

"Get.out." I grit my teeth and bitterly say.

He looks at me before sighing, then he leaves.

Right now, to put it frankly, I don't even care that he spent 5 mil buying me back because trust me when I say it didn't even make a dent in his account.

He can't disrespect me like that, I mean, wasn't he the one declaring his undying love for me and getting upset when I left that morning?

Oh well, I'm just going to sleep on this.

I sigh and take the needle out of my hand when I notice that there's no liquid left to go into me.

I put it aside onto the tray next to my bed and flop back down, pulling the warm quilt over me.

Everything else can wait, I love sleeping too much.

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