Bonus chapter!

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A/N I'M BACK!! You guys were asking for a bonus chapter sooo

Ask and you shall receive!

I couldn't stay away I love this book and I'm so attached to the characters so I decided to write an extra spicy lil chapter hehehe. Hope you all enjoy ;)

Luna Wilson

The autumn sun is shining brightly through the large windows of the room I'm in. The clouds from earlier this morning have all disappeared and the forecast no longer shows rain. It's as if god himself has prepared the perfect weather for my big day. 

I walk over to the window and peer outside. This room gives me a great view of what's happening down there, being on the third floor of this mansion. A perfect seating arrangement for a hundred or so people, with an altar at the front. I can see people bustling about, finishing last minute preparations to ensure everything is just right. 

I let out a slow breath feeling my stomach twist in anticipation. I'm nervous, but it's a good nervous. I'm getting married to the love of my life today. Klaus and I decided now would be a great time to promise forever, with a baby on the way, we want a ceremony with those closest to us. 

Since I can't have kids, we ended up looking at a few adoption agencies and found a baby whose parents gave her up. She reminded me of me- innocent little thing given up on by the people who she should've been able to trust. So of course I had to save her.

Almost everything is finalised except for a few home checks and bits of paperwork. I refused to look into IVF and surrogacy because there's plenty of kids who need to be adopted and I'd prefer to do that than go through the ups and downs of IVF. 

The wedding is taking place in an acreage we have rented out with the people closest to us here only.

I know we're married on paper but it doesn't feel right without the ceremony of it all. I also know on paper we're Luna and Klaus but he'll always be Roman to me. He came into my life at a time where I thought I had everything I wanted, and brought in that much more happiness. 

"Luna, It's time." I hear a voice behind me bring me out of my thoughts. I turn around and see my sisters Nicole and Tessa, waiting for me to come downstairs. 

Both of them look equally beautiful in their bridesmaid dresses. I went easy on them with the outfits, much to their relief. 

I smile and nod nervously. I've never been more ready to get married. I give myself a once over one last time in the long mirror. I'm dressed in a stunning white wedding dress with a long veil to go with it. My hair has been done in long waves and I've had my make up done just how I like it. I'm satisfied with how I look and thats the only important thing. 

"Okay, I'm ready! Just one more thing." I announce. I know I'm slowing everyone down but hey, it's my day and the party won't start until I'm there. 

I walk over to the vanity where a shot glass and a bottle of my favourite whisky is sitting. I pour myself a shot and quickly take it, making sure to spray my mouth with mint spray after. 

"Now I'm ready." I smile. 

Nicole rolls her eyes and follows me out. My legs do the work- one foot in front of the other, right behind Nicole and Tessa. I could not care less that I don't have a father to walk me down the aisle and that I'll be walking myself. I'm just practically jumping at the excitement of marrying my best friend. 

Before we know it, we are standing at two large double doors which lead outside to the ceremony. Nicole and Tessa leave me alone at the gate to take their seats. I breathe in deeply, inwardly squealing with happiness. I can't believe this is real. 

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