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Devlyn Tevere

I could literally feel my chest tighten as Doctor ferguson delivered those words to me.

I feel so sick, I feel lightheaded, and dizzy.

This is such a shock to me, I never thought...

"What?" I breathe, still traumatized.

"I'm sorry, hun." Ferguson apologizes sadly and then walks out, leaving me to my thoughts.

I can't have children, I really fucking can't.

And in this moment, I just feel like I've betrayed myself, even though I can't help this.

God, what the hell am I going to do when I actually want kids?

I don't want to adopt, and I don't want a surrogate.



I unlock the door to my house and enter quietly, my eyes downcast.

It's silent and dark in here and the only sound I can hear is coming lowly from the dishwasher.

My anxiety kicked in after I found out that I can't have kids.

It's something I haven't felt in so long, it feels foreign.

"You're finally home!" Roman's voice interrupts my thoughts.

A bunch of lights automatically turn on as they sense him coming down the stairs.

"Yeah." I answer blankly and place my keys down on the kitchen counter.

"What's wrong?" He asks softly when he notices my expressionless face and raw voice.

"Nothing." I answer and fill a glass with water.


I chug the contents down in five seconds and fill the glass up again.

"No you're not. Tell me what's wrong, baby." Roman steps towards me and takes the glass out of my hand, placing it aside.

He takes both of my hands into his and pulls me closer, into an embrace.

"Nothing, I'm just tired." I lie again.

"...okay." He unsurely answers and pulls away.

He knows I'm lying, but doesn't push the matter further, and for that, I'm thankful.

"So I needed to ask you something." Roman suddenly speaks, catching my attention.

"Ask away." I reply.

"My great grandma is throwing a... gathering. It's more of a party, I guess. Most of my family will be there, along with other people she knows. It's all formal, it's at this big hall. Do you want to go with me?" Roman asks hopefully.

"When is it?" I ask, inwardly sighing .

"Tonight, at 8." He replies. "You don't have to go, it was stupid of me to as-"

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