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Devlyn Tevere

"So I've got something to confess to. I mean it's not really a confession, because I had no idea until recently but yeah." I speak casually, deciding that now is the right time to tell my men what my real name is.

"Of course, Ms Rosario." My main man, Tom, speaks politely, his eyes still trained on the road ahead of him as he drives.

"It's actually Tevere. I found out that my real name is Devlyn, Devlyn Tevere." I admit quietly.

The moment I confess, Tom steps on the brake and the car comes to an abrupt halt, the tires screeching against the  road.

"What is it?" I demand, my heart still racing from the sudden jerk that came from the brake.

"Nothing, just surprised." Tom shrugs before he starts driving carefully again.

I narrow my eyes at him but let it go.

I lean back into the seat and shut my eyes, opening them straight away because I see a familiar sign.

"Tom, why are we going in the opposite direction? This road doesn't go to my estate." I suspiciously ask, not having a theory as of right now.

"There's some roadwork up ahead, there was a bushfire so they closed off the road." He replied without any hesitation.

It was almost like he... like he had memorized what he was going to say.

Something's off about him and I don't know what it is, but I'm not staying in the car to find out.

If there's one thing that living a criminal life for so life my has taught me, it's that there are no coincidences.

Nobody acts mysterious just because they're dealing with something, there's a reason behind it, always.

I try to open the door but it's locked, Tom locked the door.

"Stop the car." I command, my tone firm and demanding.

"What? Why?"

"Because I said!" I yell and whip a gun out of my waistband.

I hold it to Tom's big head, not feeling a single bit of concern for him at the moment.

"Stop the car or I swear to the heavens above, I will blow your fucking brains out this second!" I yell.

His eyes widen and he nods furiously and stops the car, in the middle of the road.

We're not creating traffic though, since we're in the middle of a road that is completely empty.

"Walk out of the car with your hands above your head as I take the drivers seat." I bluntly say and get out of the car, my gun still pointed at Tom.

He complies.

But the moment I get around to the drivers side, he takes of running.

I laugh loudly at his back.

Is he stupid enough to think that his legs are faster than my gun?

"I wouldn't have done that, Thomas!" I call out. "I hate that I now have to make your wife a widow and your unborn child fatherless."

Those are the last words I tell him before I shoot him.

My bullet lands in his head and he falls to the ground, lifelessly bleeding out from his bullet wound.

"Idiot." I shake my head and open the drivers side door.

I'm about to get in when a voice behind me makes me jump.

"Turn the fuck around, Devlyn." A very familiar male voice speaks.

I whip myself around to face the man and my eyes widen when I see who it is.


What the hell is he doing here?

Did Roman send him?

Is he a traitor?

Who's fucking side is he on?

"What?" I cross my arms and tap my foot impatiently against the road.

"Get in my car, we're going somewhere." He commands, raising a gun at me.

Is he forgetting that I have one too?

We could both just end up killing each other.

"What makes you think I'm going to do that?" I question, raising my brow.

"Because if you don't, I will put a bullet through your head." He shoots back.

"Don't make me have to kill you too, Daniel." I roll my eyes and raise my gun, pointing it at his chest.

"Get in the fucking ca-" he starts advancing towards me and I don't hesitate to press down on the trigger of my gun.

Except, nothing happens.

The loud bang I expected doesn't fill my ears because no bullet came out.

I'm out of ammo.

Fuck, I've never felt so stupid and embarrassed and betrayed.

I was so sure of myself too.

"Into the car, now!" Daniel spits venomously, raising his gun so that it's directly next to my head.

I give him a cold glare because right now, that's all I can really do, and helplessly sit down in his car.

The moment I'm in, before I even have time to react, someone in the back seat that I didn't see springs out and jabs a needle into my arm.

That's all I remember before passing out.

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