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Luna Wilson

In life, the worst things always happen to the best people, and the best things happen to those who don't deserve it at all. I'm the person who definitely doesn't deserve everything I've been given and I nearly lost it all years ago. 

That's why I'm cherishing every second of every day now. My life is a gift, and I'll only be living it once. I want to make the most of every single day.

The hot Dubai sun is hitting my bare skin as I lay on my beach towel, eyes closed, trying to tan amongst the hundreds of other people on this beach. Like every other day for the past few years, I feel at peace. Like there's no heavy weight on my shoulders anymore. I am no longer carrying the burden that is my past, I am no longer on the run from anyone, I'm free. In a different country, starting over, erasing my mistakes one by one.

"I got you a beer."  Klaus's deep voice interrupts my train of thoughts from above me. 

I open my eyes and push my sunglasses up on my head, then take the cold beer from his hand and pat the spot beside me. He smiles and takes up my offer, then proceeds to take his shirt off and lie back on the sand. I eye his toned chest and abs and smirk to myself, instantly appealed by the sight in front of me. It's been so long, yet I'm still getting used to seeing his tattoo-free body. 

Every time I see his bare skin, the events of the past few years flash through my head, reminding me of the drastic changes that have occurred in my life. I turn to face the crystal clear water, eyeing the sun's reflection beautifully dancing off each wave and let myself drown in the events of the past.


I've been in jail for six months. Six months down, my whole life to go. I guess that's what I get for being a murdering, drug dealing, heartless criminal. After I got arrested, I was held in custody until my trial and wasn't allowed bail since I was such a huge danger to society- being a murderer and all. I pleaded guilty because I was sick of running. That's how I ended up with a life sentence in a maximum security facility.

To be honest though, jail hasn't been as bad  as I thought it would be, since Harley's here with me. She got sent here too, since she had committed the same crimes as me. My life is basically turning into one long episode of orange is the new black. 

I guess I can say goodbye to ever adopting a child or marrying Roman. 

Roman. I wonder what he's doing right now. Missing me? Getting a blowie from the maid? I scoff to myself as I think of him. He seems to have forgotten about me. 

I know he knows I'm here, my arrest was all over the news because apparently the world doesn't have bigger problems like global warming to broadcast. Six months in this shitty prison and he hasn't come to visit me once. Maybe he never will. Who cares, fuck men.

Though I say that now, I know I'd suck his dick in a quick minute if I ever saw him again. I still love him a lot and wish I could be with him again.

It's currently around 1am and I'm lying in my stiff single bed in my dark cell, unable to sleep because my cellmate is snoring loudly. Her name is Cynthia and she's a sweet 50 year old lady. She got sent here for killing the man who raped her daughter. 

How fucked is the law enforcement? Let's give the rapist a community corrections order and maybe some anger management program. To make it seem like we give a shit, a few years of prison. It'll all be fine. We can just ignore how this poor innocent child got her rights violated and is now traumatised for life. It was her fault anyway, she shouldn't have been wearing a short dress. She asked for it. Thinking about Cynthia's daughter's situation makes me angry. I know her rapist is dead, thanks to her mother but fuck victim blaming. Rape victims deserve more justice.

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