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Devlyn Tevere

"Devlyn, I need to talk to you." My sister, Tessa, quietly says.

"Sure, what's up?" I ask, setting my phone aside.

"I have a confession."

"Soo, confess it." I laugh slightly.

"It's not that easy, I'm just so scared of what you might think." Tessa nervously says and starts chewing her nails.

"I won't think anything, Tessa. I would never judge you. You know I love you." I sincerely reply, pulling her hand away from her mouth to prevent her from fucking her manicure up.

"I-I'm- uh I can't say it, shit." She breathes and plays with her hands.

"Just say it, I swear I won't get pissed or anything. Besides, you're older than me. I'm supposed to be scared of you, not vice versa." I point out.

She nods and lets out a deep breath.

"imgay." She blurts out in one go.

This doesn't really come as a surprise to me, I swear I saw her wink at a girl just the other day.

"I knew you looked at that cashier girl in a way that was too lustful!" I exclaim.

Tess blinks at me.

"You're not shocked? Mad?"

"Why would I be mad? If you like someone, go for them. It doesn't matter what their gender is, the fuck?" I ask, confused.

She lets out another deep breath and pulls me into a tight hug.

"Ahem." Someone clears their throats behind us.

Tess and I pull away from each other and turn to look at the person who interrupted our sisterly moment.

Leo. He's fucking back. Nah bitch, leave.

"Just a genuine question," he starts off, rubbing the back of his neck.

"How do you know you're lesbian when you've never even had sex with a guy before?" He asks stupidly.

I give him a menacing glare before speaking. "Probably the same way you know you're straight even though you've never fucked a guy before." I spit.

"What are you doing back here? Who the fuck invited you?" I demand, crossing my arms.

"I'm here to apologize, okay? To both you and your man."

"Okay, so the fuck are you waiting for? Apologize." I roll my eyes.

"I'm sorry about what I did, it was really stupid of me and I shouldn't have done it." Leo sincerely replies.

"Hm, apology un-fucking-accepted. Now leave." I hiss and shove him away towards the door.

"Roman, I'm being hit by your crazy girlfriend!" Leo shouts, hoping Roman will hear his dumb ass.

"Boy shut the fuck up or I will actually smack you, so fucking hard that your entire life will flash in front of your eyes. Get out, now."

I pull open the front double doors to the mansion and push Leo outside.

Then I notice an unfamiliar man dressed in black who's quietly laughing to himself.

He came with Leo, I know because Leo stands there and waits for him.

"You," I narrow my eyes at the dude dressed in black.

"If you don't get out right this fucking instant, I'll shove a brick so far up your ass, it'll come out of your mouth. Get out, now." I command and hold the door open, waiting.

He stops laughing immediately and his expression becomes serious as he quickly leaves.

I shut the door and lock it behind them, then turn around when I hear a familiar, deep laugh.

"I can't take you seriously when you're pissed like that, oh god." Roman breathes in between laughs.

I catch sight of a few tears from his laughter snaking their way down his face and my inner ego swells in pride.

I give him a huge smile which he happily returns.

Then, he takes my hand and pulls me out of the door, saying that he's taking me out somewhere.

a/n- a short filler but I hope y'all enjoyed reading something happy and not dramatic in this book for once.
- Ivy🌹

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