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Devlyn Tevere

I narrow my eyes at Roman. "Your friend, Kane. The one with a man bun." I wait for a response and eye him suspiciously, trying to make out what he's feeling.

"I don't have a friend named Kane." He deadpans. I can see panic starting to cover his face. "Was he asking you anything? Did you tell him anything important?" he rushes, frowning.

"No, I got really drunk and passed out and he stayed with me. And he told me Julia was your ex that's all." I shrug, not seeing why Roman's so worried.

His eyes widen and his frown deepens.

"Devlyn, I don't think you understand the seriousness of this. He told you he was my friend but I don't know him. He could've kidnapped you. Why would you go to sleep near someone you didn't know?" He furiously asks.

"If you were so concerned about my whereabouts, you would've come looking for me. Now, instead of asking me what's wrong or why I've been off all night, you're having a go at me." I sigh frustratedly.

"Look Devlyn, I was dancing with Julia for business reasons. She told me to stay there and discuss the matter with her or else she'd shoot me."

I shrug carelessly. "Whatever." I say, trying to make it seem like I don't care. To be honest, I really don't. I trust Roman and besides, if he was going to cheat on me, he wouldn't do it in public. Nobody's that stupid. Besides, I really don't have the energy to have an argument with him.

Roman looks at me. His eyes seem to be calculating something. I can practically feel his gaze burning a hole in me.

I shiver.

"What's wrong?" he finally speaks, breaking the silence. His voice is soft and caring. It makes my knees weak.

About time he noticed something was wrong.

As soon as he asks me that, I feel my eyes start to water rapidly and I start sobbing uncontrollably. All the emotions I have been trying to hold in since the doctors appointment come rushing out as I break down crying. How embarrassing.

Almost instantly, I feel Roman's strong arms wrap around my small frame in a tight embrace. He rubs my back gently in an attempt to comfort me.

"Shh. Devlyn, what happened? Why are you crying?" he whispers. I ignore his question and hiccup a few times before I'm calm enough to say something.

"Take me home. Please." I beg. I can't be here a second longer. I just need to talk with Roman and Harley about this, in the comfort of my home.

He doesn't have to be told twice.


I pull my pyjama top over my head and quickly tie my long hair into a loose braid before I leave my room to meet Roman downstairs.

I've decided to tell him what I found out instead of not communicating and causing unnecessary problems. I just needed time to process it, and I've had it.

Roman's head snaps up the moment he hears me enter one of my many living rooms. His chocolatey brown eyes meet my bright green ones and he gives me a soft, reassuring look that instantly makes me feel comfortable and at home.

I walk to where he's sitting on the couch and take a seat opposite him. I take his cool, large hand into my sweaty one and take in a nervous breath.

"So I had a doctor's appointment today and I found out something..." I trail off, not knowing how to break this to him.

How can I tell him something like this without breaking his heart? I know it's not my fault that I'm infertile but I think deep down, Roman and I both knew that we wanted to have children with each other. Now that's not happening anymore. No more baby Roman x Devlyn.

I shake my head, clearing my distracting thoughts. It's better to get it over with, spit it out Devlyn.

"I can't have children." I say quickly. I glance at his face to make out his reaction. He looks blank for a few seconds, comprehending what I just revealed to him.

"Oh," He says.

He doesn't know what to say. It's okay, if I was him, I wouldn't know either. I feel Roman give my hands a tight squeeze and I give him a small, half hearted smile in response.

"Devlyn, if you can't have children, it's not your fault," Roman speaks finally.

I look at him encouragingly, with hopeful eyes, waiting for him to continue.

"There's no dealbreakers with you. We can find our way around this, It's not the end of the world. There's so many other options. Don't beat yourself up over something that's not your fault." He breathes.

I nod, unable to talk through the massive headache I'm getting from holding back my tears. But Roman's response really makes me think, I got so lucky with him. I really don't deserve someone so understanding and caring.

He's right, there's no dealbreakers to this. I think I've finally found the love of my life; my best friend and soulmate.

a/n: Is anyone else scared shitless of bugs?? I have such a huge phobia, especially of moths and butterflies. I'm seriously considering therapy for this bc I will rlly have a whole ass panic attack if there's a moth in my house.

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