sequel chapter two

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I walked around the packed gallery. Smiling as people purchased my paintings. There was thirty minutes of my show left. I only had a couple of paintings left, which I was proud. Here I was expecting I wasn't going to sell a single thing.

I saw a couple looking at the painting in the front. Their backs were to me, so I couldn't see them. They were looking at the painting I decided not to sell, because I couldn't give that away.

"That's my favorite." I said approaching the couple. "Its called 'Love At Dawn'."

The couple turned around and I gasped. I covered my mouth in shock. I tried turning away, but they grabbed my arm.

"Morgan, please don't." Zayn pleaded. He looked so hurt. I felt the tears brim in my eyes. I nodded and wrapped my arms around Tori and Zayn.

"We've missed you babe." Tori whispered. I nodded and let out a little whimper.

They found me.

"I'm so sorry." I cried into Zayn's shoulder. Tori rubbed my back and calmed me down.

"Babe, don't. Not now, lets just talk, okay?" Zayn said. I pulled away and wiped my tears away and nodded. I took a deep breath and straightened my outfit.

"How about you come around to my place, after the show?" I offered. Tori and Zayn exchanged a quick glance and both nodded. "Okay, if you want you can go back in my office." I pointed to the door. They nodded and headed to the door.

I took a deep breath, smiled, and walked back to my customers.

"Hello, found anything you like?" I asked. An old women turned around and smiled brightly at me.

"Yes, you are a marvelous painter, I must say." She complimented me.

"Thank you so much."

The lady bought my last three paintings. She told me she would be back when I had more painted.

"Hey Maisy, you can head home. I will take care of this later." I offered.

"Okay, great job tonight. I told you that you had nothing to worry about." She laughed and gave me a hug. "Goodnight." She hollered and closed the door.

I walked into my office. Tori and Zayn were looking at my unfinished paintings.

"These are amazing." Zayn breathed.

"Thank you." I muttered. Zayn and Tori looked back sharply.

"You are truly talented." Zayn said.

"I told you that when we first met." Tori slapped Zayn playfully on the arm. I then noticed the slight bump under Tori's shirt. My jaw dropped and I looked at Tori.

Zayn and Tori looked at me confused, but then realized I was staring at her stomach. Zayn smiled, as Tori bit her lip and nodded.

"Congratulations." I gave Tori a big hug. "You too." I laughed and gave Zayn a hug.

"When are they due?" I asked.

"Four months." Zayn stated proudly.

"That is amazing, I'm so happy for you all." I smiled at them truly. "And I see you are married." I grabbed her hand.

They both laughed and nodded proudly.

"Wow, I missed a lot." I mumbled to myself. I shook the thoughts out of my head, "Lets go, I hope you don't mind walking."

"Fine with me." Zayn said.

"Sorry, I can't." Tori said, "I am pregnant." Tori joked.

"To bad, because you are walking." I stuck my tongue out at her and lead the way out of the studio.

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