chapter twenty-eight.

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I haven't heard from Harry for about three days. I understand though, he is busy. It has been 6 weeks since I was diagnosed with depression and bipolar disorder. I am getting better. Every once in a while I have those bad days, but I haven't had one for a while. I send Harry a text everyday just letting him know I am proud of him, he never replies. I act like I am okay with it, but I'm not. The other boys call their girlfriends. Like right now, Tori is skyping Zayn. Maybe Harry finally realized that I am not worth his time.

"Morgan!" I heard Tori yell. I went upstairs to her room, she was still talking to Zayn. "Zayn wanted to say hello."

"Hey babe, how are you?" Zayn asked.

"Good, you? Are you enjoying America?" I asked.

"Yeah, it's great over here." Zayn said.

"Is Harry with you?" I asked. I saw Zayn's face drop and he shuffled awkwardly in his seat.

"Ummm, he is uhh he isn't here right now, I think he went to the shops? I guess." Zayn stuttered.

"Oh, okay I haven't heard from him in a few days." I frowned.

"Oh yeah don't worry about it, he will call we have been super busy." Zayn assured me. I said bye and went back to the couch and finished watching '21 Jumpstreet', which is the best movie ever. I sighed and looked at my phone one last time. I guess he won't be texting me anytime soon.

The Next Day

"I am going to get some cigarettes, anyone need anything?" I yelled through the house.

"YES! COOKIE DOUGH!" Tori yelled. I laughed and said I would be back later. I decided to walk to the corner store, seeing as it isn't to far away.

"Morgan! Morgan! Are you okay with Harrys actions?"

"Morgan! Are you and Harry on a break?"

"Have you seen the pictures? He sure does like Americans!" That one hurt, what the hell was he talking about. I ignored the paparazzi and kept walking. I sighed in relief when I made it to the store. I went through the aisle and picked up some crisps, cookie dough and cigarettes. I was checking out and saw something that caught my eye.

'Harry Styles enjoying American girls?' It read. I winced when I read it and put it on the counter to buy. I quickly walked out of the store and lit my cigarette.

"Does Harry know you smoke?"

"Smoking is bad, you know that?"

"Does Harry approve? Or he is to busy with the American girls to care?"

"Leave me alone! This is none of your business! Okay? So fuck off!" I spat and kept walking one came up to me and started yelling questions so I blew the smoke in their face and gave them the finger and raced to the house. I slammed the door and dropped the bags in the kitchen and went outside to the back and ripped open the magazine.

'Is Harry Styles getting a little to close to the girls in America, when he has a girl waiting for him at home? Not according Harry. Reports say he has been out with a girl for two nights in a row! WOW HAZZA! Claims they go clubbing together and leave together at crazy times in the morning. Careful Morgan, don't want to get replaced do ya?...' I couldn't read on. My tears were blocking the words. I grabbed my lighter and burnt the magazine and threw it on the ground and started screaming.


"Morgan! What the hell?" I heard Eleanor say. I felt someone grab me and pull me away from the fire. I saw Summer throw water at the burning news.

"Is it true?" I cried.

"Is what true?" Eleanor asked.

"The magazine, is Harry cheating on me?"

"No babe, I don't know what you are talking about. Harry loves you." Summer said and came over to me.

"What did it say?" El asked.

"He went out with an American two nights in a row, and I haven't heard from him in a few days. He never calls." I cried.

"Awww babe, those are lies. Trust me Harry would never cheat on you." Eleanor hugged me.

Louis P.O.V

"Where you going Hazza?" I asked.

"Out with Fay, just for a few drinks." Harry shrugged.

"Harry this is like the third night in a row, what about Morgan?" I sighed.

"What about her?" Harry spat.

"Harry, Morgan loves you and what your doing isn't right."

"Its just drinks with a friend Lou, nothing more, nothing less." Harry said sternly.

"Whatever Harry, just know I do not approve. You cant hurt Morgan, she is so fragile." I sighed. Harry rolled his eyes and groaned.

"I'm not cheating on Morgan, okay?" Harry yelled.

"Well why haven't you call her, huh? Tell me that! Why did Eleanor call telling me Morgan has been crying all day because she was harassed by the paparazzi and she saw a magazine Harry, you need to grow up." I yelled at Harry.

"I-I- - What?" Harry stuttered.

"Yeah thanks to you she has been crying, but you wouldn't know would you? Because you don't bother to call your girlfriend anymore. You say you love her, but is this how you treat someone you love?" I spat at Harry.

"I didn't do anything! I am busy, and she knows that. I can't call her every second of every day Lou!" Harry yelled.

"You are being such a little prick Harry, talk to me when you can be mature about this. Just know you are hurting Morgan, and you promised her you would never hurt her. Way to break that promise Harry." I spat. Harry groaned and walked out the door but not before shoving me with his shoulder. He slammed the door shut and stormed away.

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