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I'm different, I can't deny.

But you treat me differently...why?

I don't fit in. I'm not perfect.

I don't wear those clothes; I can't "Work it!"

I blend into the gray, yet I stand out,

With my green eyes and round lipped pout.

I was once you, who are brave and strong,

But over time, my brave has gone wrong.

You judge me based on the scars you think you see,

But in all truth, right now, in reality,

Would you get to know me, given the chance?

Or would you leave me standing, alone in a dance?

I see your judging stares,

The ignorant glares.

It hurts like a knife through my chest,

Knowing I do my honest to God best,

Yet you have the audacity to ignore my voice,

And dismiss it as just white noise.

But would it be different if I where more like you?

If my hair was darker, my eyes were blue?

If I danced like an angel, or sang like a lark,

If I acted outright, and not in the dark?

Would you treat me like a human, a person,

If you could see the weight of my burden?

I wonder why you judge me in this way,

Do I remind you of your flaws, or am I not "OK"?

Do you look at me and see yourself,

A sad, pitiful you, alone on a shelf?

I'll never know why you ignore me so,

Or why in the world I hurt like I do,

But I know I can't open your eyes unless it's me that you see,

However I know you won't let me be me.

Because I am different, because I am strange,

Because I am quiet, and a little deranged,

Because I can't dance like this girl I know of,

Because I don't have the voice of a dove,

Because I do martial arts instead of ballet,

Because I think, and just don't say,

Because I'm not remembered,

Because I'm not a member,

Of your weird club called society,

You think it's OK to judge and shun me.

"Who are you?" "What did you say?"

"You come to this class everyday?"

"How come I've never seen you?"

"Can you even talk? Well, we never hear you!"

You see my outside, and don't remember my face,

Because it's a little too commonplace.

You don't see my work, you don't hear my cries,

Until they look you right in the eyes.

So, I beg of you, the loud and the strong,

Talk to the ones who aren't brave long.

They need you to see them, to speak and to know,

That they are a person, no matter what they show.

The different, the strange, we're all not the same.

The quite ones in the back, or ones who play dame.

The ones who pretend they're strong and free,

But never, never can be left be.

For the dark in their hearts in stronger than they.

All they need, is for you to say,

"We hear you. We see you. You're proud and pretty,

"You're fast, and you're smart, handsome and chatty.

"We know who you are, and we know your name.

"As of right now...welcome to this game."


This is to all the people who feel invisible. It's a hard thing to change, and so far, I haven't managed. 

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