Christmas Eve

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It was the night before Christmas, and the house was a-buzz

With food and with drink, with a large family and love.

There were presents stacked high under the green prickly pine,

And I keep checking them; counting which are mine.

The food was disappearing into mouths and onto plates,

While Christmas Shows gave the jolly feeling a pace.

At last, the final gifts are placed under the tree,

Some by Santa, and others by you and me.

In the morning we'll wake and unwrap them happily,

The paper will crackle as it's removed most snappily.

We'll grin and we'll cheer:

"I'm thankful you're here!"

Then, although the moment is done,

Still, to the next rising sun,

We'll remember the smiles, the grins and the laughs

Long into the summer, and long past warm holiday baths.

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