Twin Soul

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Where's my soulmate? Where's he at?

Step up to the plate, take the bat!

I wonder who and where you are.

Are you very near, or very far?

If we knew, would you come to me?

I would want you to, just so we could see...

Is it possible that I pass you on the street

That we have touched shoulders, but will never meet?

Maybe you were in my kindergarden class

Or maybe more in the recent past.

Perhaps you are where I will be soon,

Mayhap we have stared at the same moon.

I wonder if I've already known you,

If we had to leave because of the blue.

I hope, one day, we will meet,

Shake hands and each other great.

I hope one day I can kiss your lips

Or stare at the stars; back my head tips.

I pray that one day, you will hold my hand...

That is, if we meet in this chaotic land.


I posted links to three videos that inspired me to write this on my "Conversations" page. Please check those out; they may provide insight to you.

~Love you all, my few and faithful!


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