The Nightmare

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Darkness covers me like a shroud,

As I push through a nameless crowd.

Terror courses through my very being;

All these terrors I wish I wasn't seeing.

I want to awake, to be safe and warm,

But before I go, these monster must harm.

I'm awake, staring at the swirling ceiling.

Glow-in-the dark-stars keep me dreaming.

There's no one beside to offer a hand

As I make my way out of a terrible dreamland.

I clutch the sheets to my chest so tight,

Crying silently into the night.

I wanted someone here,

To wipe away a tear

Caused by the frightening awful of my dreams.

They happen all too often, it seems.

I wonder, if anyone would lay beside me just to awake,

Cuddle me close and, when needed, give me a shake.

Keep me from falling into bed,

And make me feel happiness, not dread.

That's all I want from a person, really,

Someone who loves me most honestly.

Someone to talk to, to laugh and to cry with,

Someone to cuddle, sleep with and be with.

Someone to chase the nightmares away,

Whether it's you, or him o'er there, I cannot say.

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