How NOT To Fall In Love

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How not to fall in love? Well, let me tell you

First off, my young one, never feel blue.

As soon as you do, someone reaches in for your heart.

The feeling is new and beautiful, but it's an age-old restart.

Secondly, never rely on others

They're simply a bother.

But then, you'll be all singular and stuff.

Plus, many people want this "love" fluff.

Thirdly, keep your eyes down,

Glued to the even ground.

Never look up, because you then may see

A soul in need of a love, you think, "that may be me"

But it's hard not to fall in love, I know it.

My best, honest advice? Join a convent.

Full of lovely females, and no corruption

Just you, and your God, no interruption. 

Or, for the men reading, become a monk.

Being without love is less feeling to be thunk.

Only you, and your fellows.

The greens, and beautiful yellows.

Overall, please don't look into her eyes so blue,

Or his, so golden brown; they see straight through,

No matter her smile's shimmery beauty

Or his lack of annoying immaturity,

Don't fall captive to this drug called fondness,

Because I don't think it's worth all the bondages.

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