Am I...?

41 8 11

"Am I beautiful yet?"

I wondered, staring in the mirror

At my legs and neck.

"Am I graceful yet?"

I wondered, walking through the halls

My eyes down set.

"Am I noticeable yet?"

I wondered, standing onstage.

"No one sees me, I bet."

"Am I talented yet?"

I wondered, projecting my voice.

I wasn't good enough; this I fret.

"Am I good enough yet?"

I wondered, readying to kick.

My form wasn't perfect; my body in a hot sweat.

"Am I brave enough yet?"

I wondered, staring at the girls

Who had the courage to try when I didn't.

"Am I done yet?"

I wondered, staring back at me.

Not in this mind set.

"But I can't stop, this is a fact," 

I said, analyzing my green eyes.

"This fear has been ingrained in my from way back."


Sorry if you find this poem inconclusive. It hasn't ended yet, but I'll let you guys know when  it does. If it does.

Anywho, remember there's a little star up ^ there in the > right hand corner. Every star means a smile from me! Also, follow me. Click on my cutsie little name at the top of this page, and when it takes you to my account, click follow. ;p Just maybe? Comments are also SO amazing; I love reading through them. In the comments, let me know which type of poem I've written (or just which poem) is your favorite, so I can keep writing more like it!

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