Panic! Attack

14 4 5

Fear, anxiety, tears.

Ringing in the ears.

Shakey hands,

Swimming lands.

Tottering steps

Breathing preps.

People lean in, trying to help.

But deeper into panic you delve.

Wails past your lips...

What caused this?

Falling on the ground--

How does the head pound!

The heart races,

Breath catches;

Then it's over as fast as it came

You're on the ground; a weak dame.

Pitying eye pairs stare at you,

Mostly brown, a green and two blue.

Round lips, pressed thin with worry.

You stand, quickly in a hurry.

Smile, and play it off.

Before they scoff.

Everything moves on with a few spare glances.

When the panic! arises, there are few chances...

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