Poet's Note-Its

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Hello, my few and faithful!!

I'm writing a book with opinionated essays! They're academic-ly structured, and you all are permitted to disagree with me, and give your own argument in the comments. I ask that y'all keep it clean, and professional. I will not respond if you are attacking my/others opinions without a logical response, or are just trying to be impolite. If it pushes boundaries, I may even report you. My book is intended to be a safe place to debate SAFELY with one another. It's to expound your knowledge, and others without having a stick up your butt.

Anywhoo, it's coming soon, so look out for it!! I'll post in this book again (since it is most read) when it's up.

thanks to you all, my few and faithful. Keep on keeping on, my loves.

The ramblings of...


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