The of Your is My

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The bright of your smile is my candle's light,

The glow of your heart is my inner flame.

The touch of your hands is my butterfly,

The glance from your eye is my vision.

The praise of your voice is my honey sweet,

The listening of your ear is my poetry.

The gold of your mind is my riches,

The words of your lips is my soft rain.

The hug of your arms are my warmth,

The kisses of your heart are my passion.

The connection of your soul to mine is my triumph,

The hand of yours is my anchor.


This is to everyone who has found their soul mate, through friendship, sister and/or brothership, or love. They seem to fuel every part of you, good times and bad, and nothing will ever change that.

Find your soul mate. They will change your life.

Just remember, soul mates aren't just lovers, they're friends, sisters, brothers, sometimes parents. They're whoever you connect so deeply with that you could never let them go. Not even in the darkest of your times. Even if sometimes they hurt/anger you so badly, you act on impulse. You know who you are.

All my love to my readers, you guys are amazing. :) Keep on keepin' on!

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