Mickie Kay, Emmie G and Me

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Meet Mickie Kay--

She's cute in a weird way.

She loves to laugh, and laugh with you.

Mickie Kay's smile's never gone; she's never blue.

Meet Emmie G--

She's the artistic one of you and me.

She's always shut in her room with two friends or more

Notebooks open and music blaring through her door.

Next, meet Me,

Who doesn't know who to be.

She's Emmie G and Mickie Kay alike,

But no one will ever know: she's too scared to strike.


Mickie Kay and Emmie G are all nicknames of mine, just to let you guys know. ;p

We reached out goal! TOP 100--We're # 90!! :D Thanks for reading. Please remember to VOTE. Can our book make it to the top 50? :) That would make me so happy. (Maybe one day we'll make # 1?...)

Love you all, my few an faithful. <3 Keep on keeping on, and Merry Christmas, Hanukah, Yule and New Year. :)

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