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attractive in a delicate way without being truly beautiful or handsome



unpleasant or repulsive, esp. in appearance



having a large amount of excess flesh



(of a person or part of their body) very thin 

These are all labels we are given day to day,

Allowing people the ability to whatever say.

But the moment we realize these are just small words,

Not family or friendship; not even little birds,

Then, and only then, can we fly away strong,

And be ourselves now, and forever long.

Even the dictionary says that skinny and fat

Are informal definitions, useless at that.

So why do they leave our lips,

To define everything, from out breasts to our hips?

And males feeling emotions now...

Tell me, is that allowed?

Please, society, riddle this to me,

Your answer is what the world shall be.

If we can't fix the words we spout so rudely,

There's no use trying to fix important issues crudely.

So, stop judging the outer stuff,

And see what's inside; down with "fluff".

The moment that you can see a man cry,

Or a girl look at you without makeup on her eye,

Then you know what you've done is something very good,

And we no longer need anger, resentment and stupidity to brood.


Dedicated to Society. For the soul-blind who cannot see others beauty, and for the mirrors who have seen it and want others to also.

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