Chapter 2: "Four years old"

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~Time Pass

Zabuza has brought home a new 'friend', as he said to the young red head. Kushimaru, Jinin, and Jinpachi were hired to go 'assist' someone. Ameyuri had gone out to get food. And Mangetsu? Eh, who knows?  Maybe he's at a club.

Of coarse, she knew that meant that Zabuza had an apprentice. Kushimaru, Jinin, and Jinpachi were hired to assassinate people. And Mangetsu and Ameyuri? She knew that they'd keep no secrets from her on their whereabouts.

"Hello, I'm Haku. Who are you?" the young boy said, looking at the young girl that was meditating on the oak coffee table in the center of the room. She didn't answer. "Hello?" He stood up and waved a hand in front of her face.

"Haku, cut it out." Zabuza's voice was demanding. This made the girl open her eyes, "Hey, uncle, when's nii-san coming home?" She asked, not acknowledging Haku. This made him fum(sp?) silently. "If your talking about Kushimaru, then he'll be home in a few days." He replied, leaving the room. Haku was now confused, and angry.

"Fight me." He said, pointing at her.

"Excuse me?"

"Fight me, or are you scared?"

"Kid, I'm only four years old. Do you honestly want your ass handed to you by a four year old?" She crossed her arms and faced him, a fake pout on her small features. She had picked up cursing from Jinpachi. Kushimaru and Ameyuri give him hell cause of it.

Haku glared at her, "Bring it, Tomato head." and soon both of them ended up at the training fields out back.

"Tai or nin?" She asked, tying her hair up in a high ponytail. "Ninjutsu, without Kekkie-Genkai, correct?" She nodded, and ran a good yard away from him, before facing him.

"By Kami...I feel like I'm fighting a chunnin, the way she speaks..." He muttered.

"Ready, Begin." She said, maintaining her same position. He stared at her. Then began to make handsigns. "Hyton(1): Cool contact."

The air around them got extremely cold, almost freezing. With trembling hands she did her own handsigns, "Katon(2): Grand fire ball."

She gulped in a breath of air before releasing it at Haku. He dogged it, for the most part, but got burned on his arm in the process. He hissed in pain, as she smirked.

"Hyton: Frozen arch." suddenly, a large bridge like structure formed over Haku. He had no clue on what she was planning, or how she wasn't running on chakra. She slipped out a dozen seabon and jumped into the air, twisting her body in different angles and managed to hit certain points on the stucture, making it collapse.

The girl smiled, and giggled. "You certainly were a wonderful sparring partner, Haku-kun. Though, I suggest you work on your Hyton for the most part. I'll go and heal you later." She shouted running off into the forest.


An ANBU sat in a branch, a mile away from the fight. His sharingan(3) analyzed that the girl was not  than meets the eye. He was determined to see the cause behind her power, not for his own use, but out of curiosity. "Hello? Mister, I know your here, I can sense your chakra." the girl from earlier said, glancing up at him.

"How did you know---never mind...I should have concealed my chakra better..."

"Who are you?"

"The names Shisui Uchiha. I'm an ANBU from Konohagakure, one of the five great nation's. You?"

"I'm Keiko Hoshigaki. Daughter to one of the seven swords men of the Mist, and apprentice to the other six. This is Kirigakure, also one of the five great nation's."

Shisui looked appalled, 'How could she know these things? At such a young age? She is definitely a protege here.'

"Hey, Kei-chan?" She twitched her eyebrow. "Hai?" She replied, picking at her nails.

"I want you to take this," he said, giving her a book. "It is empty now, and will stay that way till I pass on. Then, only you could be able to open it."

She quirked an eyebrow, "How so?"

"I believe that you know of a jutsu called, 'Katon: Burning haze', correct?" She nodded, "When I pass away, I want you to use that jutsu on the book. It will list my plans for you, alright?" She nodded again, a playful grin on her features.

"Alright, see'ya Shisui-kun." She waved at him, and watched him disappear.

"What a peculiar guy..."


(1)Hyton-The form of jutsu that uses ice based attacks
(2)Katon-The form of jutsu that uses fire based attacks
(3)Sharingan-A type of Kekkei-Genkai that flows in the bloodline of the Uchiha clan. It can permanently damage your eyesight if over used. Best Genjutsu tactics-Ameratsu, Izanami, Mangekyo, Susano...

[Correct me if I am wrong on that]~To be continued...

Book one: Raised to be praised-Naruto FFWhere stories live. Discover now