Chapter 15: "Meeting team Kakashi."

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Omniscient P.O.V.

After a full out convention with the black blob, now known to her as Hoji(Darkness), they came to a compromise.

To gain information on her past and power, Hoji will merge with her.

"So what now, Hoji?" She said, in her mind. "Isn't that your bosses falcon there?" His voice echoed in her head. "I suppose it is..." She said, in her mind once more, before  running off towards the ANBU root department. Hoji's black ooze covers  her body forming a protective layer of what seemed to be spandex like material, she then placed her shark mask on before entering the building.

Danzo sat at his desk, when Keiko came in and bowed on one knee, "My Lord?" Danzo was confused on why her hair had changed, but didn't speak of it. "Hoshigaki-chan, you shall be put on team seven. Assisting Kakashi in their mission's and training."

Keiko lifted her head slightly, "And what of Mori-chan?" He smiled, "I will put her on team Asuma." She nodded. "Anything else, my Lord?" He nodded.

"Go to the Hokage. He will send you on a mission with them." With that, she left in a puff of blue smoke. Leaving Danzo to ponder about her hair.


The hokage sat at his own desk, watching Naruto and Iruka bicker. He saw a flash of red and smiled, "You may enter now." He said, as the figure outside puffed into blue smoke outside. Then another puff of blue smoke emerged inside the room. The young missing-kiri-nin stood beside his desk. "Hai, Lord Hokage?" Sasuke smirked, "Good to see you, Keiko." She faced him, "I suppose you found out about the changes, huh?" He nodded.

"Hoshigaki-hime," She cringed. "You will be assisting team Kakashi on their mission. Since your the only person in Konoha that knows Kirigakure like the back of your hand." She smiled, but it was hidden by her mask. "You may remove your mask, I told them of your new change." She nodded and took off her shark mask.

Sakura grimaced at the colour of her skin, thinking that it was grotes(sp?). She had never seen anybody like her ever before. She was also jealous that her precious Sasuke-kun knew this girl.

Naruto was in awe at the way she looked. He thought she looked cool, and was slightly taken aback when Sasuke spoke to her as if they knew each other forever.

Sasuke didn't care about her appearance. She was still the same fun-loving, kind, selfless, Uchiha-worthy girl he first met, four and a half year's ago.

Kakashi was shocked. He never thought that Kisame Hoshigaki ever had a child. Let alone a daughter. He never pictured her to look this way either. "Yo. I'm Kakashi Hatake. Leader of team seven." Keiko nodded, "Keiko Hoshigaki Uzumaki Uchiha. Daughter of Kisame Hoshigaki and an unknown Uzumaki. Leader of sector three. Step-sister to Shisui Uchiha." Everyone in the room, but Sasuke and The Hokage were confused by her introduction.

A knock on the door snapped them back in to reality, "Come in!" The hokage said. A fairly familiar man, to Keiko's standards, stepped in. He sneered at the kids, as they lined up to prove that Naruto was the shortest of the three. Once he caught sight of Keiko, he drooped his sake bottle and bowed to her.

"H-Hoshigaki-hime. Daughter of the ruthless Kisame Hoshigaki. Sister to each of the other six swords men. Newfound member of the seven swordsmen of the mist." She grinned at being the considered one of the new seven swords men of the mist.

"So, Hoshigaki-hime? Eh?" Hoji teased.

Book one: Raised to be praised-Naruto FFWhere stories live. Discover now