Chapter 26: "Tobi is NOT a good boy"

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Omniscient P.O.V.

Keiko and Akumu had a solid five minute stare-down. "I should have known that Danzo was lying..." Keiko finally spoke making Akumu raise an eyebrow, "Nani(1)?"

"That son of a bitch...I'll rip him to shreds!" Keiko shouted, making her seem out of character for Akumu. Keiko has in fact changed. Her normally gruesome exterior and silent attitude have twisted around. She became more active and wasn't in solitude unless she wasn't feeling right.

"Nani?" Akumu repeated, slightly irritated with Keiko, who was spurting out numerous threats and profanities(courtesy of Hidan).

"Danzo proclaimed you as dead after you were gone for several weeks, then pinned the blame on me. He also stated that you were spying on me, which did somewhat surprise me. I honestly considered you as a friend." Keiko said, a small smile evident.

Akumu froze for a few moments, "I-I'm sorry."

"You shouldn't be."


"You don't have  the right to be sorry, especially after your past."

"H-How did you know?"

"I just do." Tobi was now behind her, his hand on her shoulder. Keiko looked back and gave a final smile to Akumu.

"How about this. After I get my revenge on Danzo, I'll help you out?" Akumu gave a startled nod, at the sight of Tobi. Tobi picked up Keiko, and moved his arm making them disappear from sight.

Once they fully left, the winds have picked up, making a paper float around Akumu. She grabbed it.

Akumu Mori,

       Seeing as Orochimaru is after the information on Black Blood, I have devised a plan. Meet me at this clearing once every week or two. By then I will file a report on the black blood. However, I will give little to no information on the Akatsuki.

     Also, I have several things to ask of you. The first, watch over Sasuke for me. I understand that you hate him, but I need him to follow the path Itachi has made for him. The second, do not give up everything just for power, I swear it's not fully worth it. Lastly, make sure that my klutz of a twin sister doesn't get killed; that'll be my task.

                                                    Keiko Hoshigaki Uzumaki Uchiha

(P.S.- Burn this note after you've read it.)

"Tobi~ put me down!" Keiko whined, smacking his chest. He gave a giddy giggle and continued to walk onwards. Keiko gave an irritated sigh, and leaned her head against his chest, "Where are we going again?"

"Tobi's hungry Kei-chan! Tobi is sure that you are too, Kei-chan!" He said, pressing her closer as he lept into a high tree. She didn't say anything, she just stared at his mask.

It was an odd mask. A bright shade of Orange with one eye-hole and a swirl design. She was always skeptical around him, and he knew. The only thing that had taken him by surprise was that she called him Danzo on more than one occasion.



"Why do you want to kill Danzo?"

"He ruined my life."


"He forced me to become a member of ANBU root, after Itachi killed the Uchiha clan. He said that if I didn't then I would have been kicked out of Konoha. However, that was not the reason I joined. After that, my teammate, Akumu Mori, who was sent to spy on me, was claimed to be deceased. Danzo named me, a  the reason of her death."

"But wasn't that her that you talked to earlier?"

"Hai(2). She's with Orochimaru now."

"Do you like that she's with him?"

"Iie(3). Why do you ask?"

"Don't worry about it, Kei-chan..."

"Hn." That was the end of the conversation. It was silent, until they arrived at a small dango shop. He set her down and spoke,"What do you eat, Kei-chan?" She tapped her chin, "You can pick, I won't mind." Tobi nodded and went to the lady, placing an order.

Keiko looked around, narrowing her eyes at the sunset. No. She didn't hate the sunset. It just brought back unwanted memories of family. "KEI-CHAN!" Tobi shouted making her look at him.

Her eyes widened as the masked man grabbed her, and kept running. "TOBI, YOU ARE NOT A GOOD BOY!" She shouted, as the crowd of villagers and missing-nin ran at them.

1. Nani(Nundaio/Nundio): What?

2. Hai: a formal way to say yes

3. iie: a formal way to say no

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