Chapter 16 1/2: "Zabuza Arch pt.1"

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For the record when Keiko is talking to Hoji in her mind it's:


Omniscient P.O.V.

Keiko leaned back against the all too familiar green gates, Sasuke sat lazily at her feet. It was a comfortable silence between the two, that is, until a certain pinkette and kyubi container appeared. Keiko sighed as their shouts grew, "Sasuke," he looked up at her, pulling himself up. "I severely mistook your patience..." He smirked.

As the two loudmouth's approached them, Sasuke wrapped an arm around Keiko's waist. Once in sight, Sakura went ballistic on Keiko, making Naruto go ballistic on Sasuke. The two stoic being's of the four simply glanced at one another from the corner of their eyes.

Kakashi and Tazuna came, several hours later. "YOUR LATE!" The two loudmouth's shouted. The two stoic ones simply sighed. Keiko and Sasuke tuned out, when Kakashi spoke of why he was late. Failing miserably as his fake excuse was diminished by Tazuna.

"Lets get going shall we?" Keiko said, moving away from Sasuke. Hoji. She thought. Got it. He said, as the black ooze covered most of her body and half of her cheeks. Leaving only her hair{Which was straight down her back, and had two slim pieces going on the left and right side of her face.} and most of her face. She placed her mask on, and fixed her father's katana around her waist.

Team Kakashi and Tazuna looked at her in wonder, "We have no time to waist, now. Get a move on." She barked, making each of them stumble forward and speedwalk out of the gates. Hehe, you sure know how to scare them to bend to your will... Hoji remarked.

Keiko's P.O.V.

'I suppose I do know how...'I replied. I felt their gaze's on me, "Yes?" I asked. The blond one, Naruto Uzumaki the kyubi container, spoke. "I asked what's your dream for the future, ehh uh..." I sigh.

"As I told you already, I am Keiko Hoshigaki Uzumaki Uchiha. As for my dream for the's to find my father, and one day become the Mizukage." Naruto smirked, "So you too, huh? I plan on becoming the Hokage! Believe it, dattebayo'!"

The Kyubi container...his beast can sense us, you know? Hoji spoke up. 'What about it?' I asked. He wants to speak to us, soon. Not now, it's too early. 'Alright, I suppose I can arrange for that to happen...'

I walked past a puddle. Those idiot's...don't they realize that it's too hot for there to be any puddles. Plus it hasn't rained in days! For the love of Jashin, what the hell are they teaching them in the academy's back there?! How did they even get considered a threat? They can't even make a suitable disguise!

I gazed at Kakashi, who looked at me. He shook his head. Signaling for me not to interfere. I smirked under my mask and nodded.

As I predicted, the twin demon brothers of the mist came out and shredded 'Kakashi' to bits. Making everyone else startled. After watching their 'teamwork' I chained them to two tree's.

"H-Hoshigaki-hime!" they wimpered in unison. I snarled. "Did my uncle send you?" I whispered in their ears. The nodded vigorously. "H-he's after h-him...and you too..." The said in unison once more. I leaned back, 'He's' I gazed at Naruto, who stabbed his cut, in hope of getting out the poison.

"Baka..." I mumbled, walking to him. He was now freaking out. I grabbed  His hand, making him blush. Hoji uncovered my left hand. It glew a bright blueish green colour, as I placed it over Naruto's hand healing the cut.

I didn't know you were a Jashinist, when did this happen hime? Hoji asked, humor hidden in his voice. 'I actually don't remember...for quite a while now.'

We kept walking, up until we had to take a boat to get there. "I'll take a different route. I don't enjoy riding on boats." Kakashi looked at me, "How are you gonna get across the water undetected?"

"Have you forgotten that I am the daughter of Kisame Hoshigaki? I can breath underwater for days!" He sighed  and gave me a thumbs up, as a Yes, you can go. Just don't get caught.

I grinned and I slipped into the lake, I swam past them and reached the other end in no time. Your fast. Hoji spoke. 'I guess I am...Why are they taking so damn long!?' What's the rush?

'I'm just eager to see Zabuza and Haku...' Put your mask back on, they should be here in a few seconds or so. I nodded and placed it back on. Just as Hoji said, they came seconds later.

"Come." I said, walking away from the docks. They followed, "My house is just up this path." Tazuna said, pointing to the dirt path. "Keep a look out for enemies." Kakashi warned.

Naruto, being the clumsy oaf he is, began to throw Kunai all around. Almost hitting a...snow...rabbit...this could only mean one thing. "DUCK!" I shout, pulling Naruto and Sakura down while everyone else goes down on their own.

Kibikiribocho almost sliced our heads off. "Zabuza..." I breath out.

"Kakashi Hatake...copy cat've copied over a thousand jutsu..." This voice made my chest warm up. He faced me. "Keiko?" I nod. "Hello, Uncle Zabuza..." I say, taking off my mask.

"So you've finally hit your growth spurt, eh kiddo'?" I smile, "I suppose that I have."

"So, I can finally put your skills to the test..." He mumbled, and gripped Kibikiribocho. "Hoji..." "I got it, kid." He moved away some of the ooze. I knicked my thumb over my teeth, and swipped it over the fifth summoning tattoo. As I did, the twin kiba swords were now in my hands. "So, you've learned how to use Ameyuri's swords?" I smirk and nodded.

He ran at me, "Lightning gate!" I said, dug the swords into the dirt, making two huge columns of blueish purple lightening. The ground between us trembled and began to break apart slowly, making everyone stumble about. "K-Keiko! Stop!" Kakashi shouted. I glanced at him and grunted, lifting both swords from the ground.

From the corner of my eye, I saw a flash a few meters away. I jumped towards it, leaving the Zabuza to team Kakashi.

"Hello again, Keiko-hime..."

"Hello to you too, Haku."

Book one: Raised to be praised-Naruto FFWhere stories live. Discover now