Chapter 38: "Village of Nature part 1"

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WARNING! Minor fluff included in said chapter!

Keiko's P.O.V

"Hey, Kei, how much longer?" Suzuna asked from beside me. I squinted my eyes to see what was further up ahead. The plain wooden buildings of the village came into view. "Five minutes." I mumbled.

"Why did Pein-sama send us on this mission? Isn't it usually me and Deidara or you and Tobi togeter?"

"This is the village of nature, as he may or may not have told you. Neither Deidara nor Tobi are able to use their surroundings to their advantage. If he sent father, then he would be too obvious."

"Aa. I understand."

"Great." I said, stopping just outside the gates. This place isn't heavily gaurded, or so it seems.

"What are you doing?" Suzuna asked me. I slipped off my cloak and shoes, and tossed them aside.

"I'm blending in. They can't know where were from so..." She nodded and did the same with her own items.

I pulled out a scroll and summoned out two sets of wooden sandles and a worn out half-body cloak. I tossed them to her. "Use those until we get to the village, we can shop later."

~Small time skip maybe?~

Suzuna grabbed several outfits from some racks and darted to the dressing rooms. I had two outfits in hand an long with some accessories.

Its a shame that this place has to go...I like it...

Suzuna jumped out the dressing rooms and grinned, "So does that mean that I can get anything I want?"

I sighed, "Were buying several outfits and some extra stuff, but we can raid this place before we destroy everything."

She pouted but said nothing more as she ran to pay for her clothes. I walked into the dressing room, ignoring the other clothes that were strune about the floor.

I tried on one of the outfits. It was a black tube-top along with kacki(is that how its spelled?) knee-high shorts and a mesh-net tee-shirt and a pair of black kunoichi boots.

The second one was a black zip-up teeshirt along with dark grey shorts that were shorted on one side and longer on the other. I spun around for a few moments before I changed back into my old attire. I grabbed the clothes and left to pay for them.

"Hey, princess! Come here!" One of the teenage kids shouted out at me as I had just left the shop. I rolled my eyes at their stupidity and kept walking toward the hotel.

I really hope that Suzuna isn't going to have to deal with this too...

"Oi! Didn't you hear us, girl? Get over here!" The same one shouted again. Not sparing a glance back, I ran to the hotel.

Tobi's P.O.V

Good girl, Keiko.

I glanced down at the young boys that called out to her. They seemed to be enchanted by her that's why they wanted her?  Not on my watch.

As midnight arose, those foolish boys had taken a walk to try and find her hotel. I jumped down behind them, the gravel crunched under my feet. They all spun around.

"I hope that you realized that there would be consequences for trying to hit on my girlfriend." I hissed before putting them to rest with my genjutsu. Such pathetically ignorant fools...

I teleported to Keiko's room, where she was apparently reading. She gazed up at me with an unamused expression, "Why are you here? and what did you do?"

I chuckled, "I grew bored of those idiots back at the base. Your much more interesting."

"That's sweet. Now, what did you do?"

"I may have maybe killed those pests that tried to flirt with you earlier today."

"You were following me!?"

"Just until after you left the shop."

"What am I going to do with you?"

"Maybe you could age faster?"

"Why would I need to ag––...oh..."

"Glad to see that your finally catching on, dear." I teleported on top of her, pinning her arms down above her head.

I can't have her know who I am...not yet... Her mist village headband lay loosely around her neck, much like Hidan, and her leaf laid on her bedside. I didn't hesitate to use that to my advantage.

Grabbing the leaf headband, I wrapped it over her eyes. She hissed slightly.

I smirked and pulled off the stupid orange mask. Not a moment later, I was trailing kisses down her neck. She bit her lip, too hard I might add. A small line of blood slid down to her chin. Black blood.

I licked the blood away, and heard the door creak open. Using our hair, I successfully hid my face. Keiko tensed. "What's wrong?" I whispered.

"I might have, sort of, maybe said yes to a date...unintentionally..." She replied, frowning.

I froze. My Keiko...on a date...with someone who is not me? No. I will not allow it.

I set my mask back on and whispered one last thing into her ear:

"We will continue this later, darling."

Keiko's P.O.V

I slid my headband off, barely catching a glimpse of his face. It was pale...with his red sharingan spinning around and around.

"Ano...was I interupting something?" Dorum asked, his cold attitude was visible in his words. Tobi bolted out and he looked at me. I sighed.

"Don't worry about him. He's just a family friend that's escorting me back home." I said with a faint smile.

Dorum smiled slightly, "Thats nice to hear. So, about our date...I was planning to make it just a small walk and talk date around the forest."

"You didn't have to tell me, silly. I did make a promise and I intend in keeping it." I chirped. "Just let me get changed."

He nodded and left the room.

I have a feeling that I'm gonna regret this...

Book one: Raised to be praised-Naruto FFWhere stories live. Discover now