Chapter 37: "First Tomoe"

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Omniscient P.O.V

"Just a few more layers left, Keiko." Itachi mumbled, peeling off the bandages. Keiko fummed impatiently as he very slowly unwrapped her eyes. As he got to the last layer, Keiko almost cried out in happyness. He pealed it off, but she still kept her eyes shut. "You know you can open them now, right?" Itachi chuckled, tossing away the old bandages. Keiko pouted but complied.

Her once clear blue orbs were no more. "Well? Can I get The mirror?" She asked, blinking her eyes to adjust to the light.

Itachi stared into her eyes. Normally, they would only have been black, but Danzo must have still left some tissue from her own eyes there; allowing the eyes to mix. "What mirror?" Itachi asked.

"The one in your cloak, left side sleeve."

"There's no mirror there."

"Cut the crap, dude. I've known you longer than anyone here, just hand me the mirror."

"Go ask Tobi for one..." He mumbled, going into his little "emo-corner" as Keiko likes to call it. She just chuckled and ran off looking for the man-child.

"Tobi~" She sang, hoping that he'd hear her. "Tobi~" She sang louder.

Her twin poked her head out of her room, "Keep it down, will you!"

Keiko kept her eyes shut, "Eh, heh, sorry sis. Hey, you wouldn't have happened to know where Tobi is?"

Asahi grimanced at her sister, "He's in my room. We were busy but you interrupted us!"

Keiko looked down slightly, she knew that Asahi was telling her a bluff. The sad part is, is that Keiko has never kept anything from Asahi. Asahi just started acting up one day. and it all led to lying.

Keeping a cool look on her face, while leaving her eyes closed she just nodded and mumbled a sorry. Asahi smirked and slammed her door shut. Seconds after she had left Asahi's hallway, she had bumped into the one and only...Tobi!

Before she was able to fall, he grabbed her wrists and steadied her. Her cheeks flushed, "Ano...thanks Tobi-kun..." He just chuckled.

"You were shouting my name?"

"Hn, do you have a mirror?" As if by magic, he slipped one out of his left sleeve. "Woah...Uchiha magic..." she mumbled taking it from him. He smirked under his mask, obviously having heard what she mumbled.

Keiko snapped her eyes open, and stared into them. She blinked a few times before a small -genuine- smile appeared on her features. Tobi was mesmerized by the color. The inky black and water blue had swirled together, not mixed. Like oil and water...

She gazed up at him and blushed even more. "Arigatou!" She chirped handing him the mirror. She stepped to the side of him and quickly ran downstairs. He gazed down and saw a small, almost unnoticeable–––it moved.

He stepped back, it moved closer. He fleed down to his beloved Keiko, who was currently waiting for Kisame to return from his mission.

She lay on the floor, sprawled out. Her hair was the only thing that wasn't scattered around. Tobi sat on Keiko's stomach, making her pull out a kunai on him. "Don't worry, its just me." He said, looking into her inky-blue orbs.

She sighed and placed her kunai down, "What's the matter now, Tobi-kun?"

"Why was there a...ano...I don't even know what its called! But there was something there and it moved!" He said using his childish voice.

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