Chapter 34: "Attack on the Akatsuki Base"

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Omniscient P.O.V.

It's already been a week and an half into Keiko's leadership and things have been going smoothly, for the most part. The only incident there's been so far, was when Suzuna punched Hidan through several walls for flirting.

Keiko sat at Pein's desk, finishing off the rest of the paper work. A smirk crawled up on her lips, oh how she couldn't wait to brag to Pein about how her leadership skills were better than his. Of course, she wouldn't be willing to continue being the leader. An extremely loud knock at the door made her snap her head to the door, "Come in."

Suzuna burst in the office, "Keiko! The base!"

Keiko lifted an eyebrow, "What about the base?"

"It's under attack, by leaf shinobi." Keiko dropped  the paper work and ran out the office, Suzuna hot on her heels.

"I want you to block the entrances, in fact, surround the base in vines and make sure no one can get in or out." Keiko commanded. Suzuna nodded nd followed her command. Keiko however looked for Asahi. Lucky for her, her twin was in her room sleeping soundly. When Keiko burst in the room, Asahi was wide awake. "What the hell Keiko?"

"Shut up and listen to me. We're under attack and I need you to sense out a certain chakra for me." Her voice sounded urgent, which made Asahi realise that she  not playing games.

"Hai. Which one?"

"Danzo Shimura." Was Keiko's answer. Asahi widened her eyes, but nodded her head. She focused and checked at all the chakra sources within a fifty mile radius.

"There are one hundred shinobi fighting here, Danzo is nearing us by the second."

"So he's coming for me now, eh?" Keiko smirked. Asahi gave her twin a sceptical look, but was waved off by her. "Make sure the rest are safe. I'll be fighting Danzo." Keiko was gone.

Keiko's P.O.V.

I ran down the hall's, I could feel his chakra. It was only a few meters away.

A loud explosion next to me destroyed the wall, sending debris flying everywhere. "Ah, Hoshigaki-hime. It seems that my operatives were correct about you joining the Akatsuki." I growled at the sound of his voice.

"Tell me," He spoke again. "Are you looking for this?" He pulled out a red and blue knitted scarf. I gasped, "You took it!"

He smirked and dangle it before dropping it onto the debris and stomping on it. My rage built up.

Kid, calm down! Hoji sounded panicked. I just snarled and started up my chidori. "Chidori stream!" The chidori went through his arm, making him wince.

"Hm, you've improved well; but there's one thing you didn't count on." He said, smirking. He began to unwrap his arm. There were seven eyes. Sharingan eyes. "I have this."

Seconds later I was on the ground, him crouching next to me. "I see you have Shisui's sharingan...I'll be taking that." What!? He thinks I have his eyes in my own?

Omniscient P.O.V.

Danzo dug his fingers into her eyes, gouging it out. Keiko let out a shrill scream. He smirked and began to do the same for the other eye.

At this second, the rest of he Akatsuki were done fighting and heard her scream. They all ran towards it and were shocked to see  their temporary leader get her eyes gouged out.

Danzo stood up and cleaned his hand from her blood, " I have what I need. Farewell, Akatsuki." He disappeared.

Kisame kneled down to Keiko who took in sharp breaths. A tear slipped down his cheeks and fell onto her own cheek. She touched his face, "Don't cry. Only girls cry." Kisame looked at Itachi and broke down entirely.

Asahi laid down next to Keiko and cuddled into her side, silently sobbing into her shirt.

"Itachi," Keiko croaked, making the stoic Uchiha male look at her. "Do it." His stoic expression was replaced with a smirk.

"As you wish."

A/N- I'm sorry that it was short, but I didn't have much time today so yeah.

Also, I want to know who you peeps ship with Keiko...I already have Asahi's ship and Suzuna's ship.

Madara(I'm not sure if I should make him Tobi or not...I need advice  on that too.):



Tobi(Not sure if I should make him Madara or Obito):


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