Chapter 43: I don't even know what to call this.

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Keiko's P.O.V.

~·~ Time Skip ~·~

"Tell me, Hoshigaki-hime, how many innocent lives have you destroyed?" His hand pressed down on her neck harder. She gave him a blank look, "Hundreds, thousands even."

He growled at her, "You're a monster! Do you have no heart, no soul?!"

"Everybody has a heart, mine just happens to be darker than others."

"Why can't you just-"

"What are you doing?" His deep voice echoed in the room. I mentally cursed at myself for not making sure that he was taken care off before I got to the more pressing matters. I noticed that my attacker was distracted, a big mistake. Using the presence of my oh-so lovable partner as a distraction, I rolled under his arm and jumped to my feet. The mark on my back burned, it felt delightful.

In seconds, I have my katana out and chidori blazing. My partners eyes narrow at me, "I was clear that you were not to kill anyone before interrogation." He gripped my bicep and roughly pulled me back. "What's the use? He's just a grunt. They wont let him know anything." I replied, glaring at the man who had me pinned earlier.

"Keiko," he growled. "I'm not letting you kill him. He's important to the plan."

"Shove it, Madara." I snarled. He grunted and flicked his eyes over to the man. Seconds later, he began to scream in agonizing pain. I could hardly contain my grin.

What? You can't blame me for it. I learned from Hidan.

Madara glanced back at me, "I hope you've had you're fun," My grin grew. "Because you will no longer be leaving my sight." My entire grin flattered. "And if I do?" I purred, placing my hand on his back. Seconds later, I'm pinned to the wall. Madara's lips were barely an inch away from mine, they were curled in a smirk. "Lets just hope that it won't come to that." He whispered before pressing his lips against mine.

Asahi's P.O.V.

Hidan laughed wildly as he stabbed another kunai into his leg, making me flinch. He kept adding more, and more, and more. He actually began to look like a porcupine...

Damn it! This is not the meaning of 'alone time'! I want him to talk to me, not stab himself repeatedly! Grh! "Hidan?" I called out, hoping he'd near me over his shouts. "Hahahah. What, bitch?" He shouted at me. Ep! (Insert: Sempai Finally Noticed Me!) "W-Wanna go watch a movie? I was thi-"

"Let me stop you right there, bitch."


"I don't know if you fucking know this, but you aren't Keiko. You can't make me fucking stop my training or anything. Hell," I felt my heart cripple. "Even Keiko has a hard-ass time getting my fucking attention!" He glared at me. Kami...His eyes are just so hot..."But-"

"No means no, bitch. Go bug someone else." And with that, I was blocked out with his loud shouts and moans again.

Keiko's P.O.V.

Mou~ Hoji? I asked in my mind. Madara was interrogating some grunts and whatever. He was getting nowhere and he was beyond angry. Kid, it's been a while... His voice echoed, making me smile. How's it going? I haven't talked to you in a while.

I know. I needed to talk to you, and no. It can't wait.

Very well. Everything turns dark, and the black and white checkered floor appeared bellow me.

"Hoji." I addressed, crossing my arms.

He appeared in front of me. His red hair had tangles  His eyes looked worn out. I furrowed my brows, "What's wrong? Are you alright?"

"You need to be weary of the Akatsuki. Not all of them show you their true colors."

"What are you talking about?"

"Your 'leader' and the plant man. Don't trust them. Don't trust the snakes lapdog with yourself alone."

"Hoji. What's going on?"

"You're being targeted."

Madara's P.O.V.

Keiko fell unconscious. I sighed and lifted her, "I hope you realise that I'll be back later. Don't get comfortable."

I teleported to our room and set her on the bed. She twitched. "....Targeted....danger...Porugakure..." the black blood said. I heard bits of it.

He must be talking to Keiko...wait. She's in danger? No way in hell is she leaving my sight now.

Book one: Raised to be praised-Naruto FFWhere stories live. Discover now