Chapter 38 - Can you be my...?

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"Oh my god Caitlin! Tell us about it!" Alliah and Michelle squeled.

"Shut up guys! You looked more excited than me!"

"Well actually yes we are so can you please tell us the story please?!" Michelle and Alliah gave me their puppy eyes look.

"Okay, okay, so this is what happened.."

Meet me at the coffee shop. 8:00pm sharp. -Greyson.

I was lazily lying on my bed at around 7:00pm when Greyson texted me. I was confused why he told me to go. But since I'm bored at I have nothing to do, I sat up on my bed and I looked for my jacket, leggings and my cute little boots. Christmas is coming and the weather is getting colder too, and I hate it. It's getting colder and colder everytime.

I put my headphones on and I went downstairs. Mom prepared cookies, I told her that I'm going to see Greyson, I get some cookies and walked away.

I saw him on a table near the glass window. There were only few people in the coffee shop. I walked inside and I went to him. I gave him a grin and he just gave me a nervous smile. Wait, nervous smile? 

I sat infront of him and I asked him, "So.. what brings us here? And oh is this mine?" I said as I point the coffee. Well of course I'm just joking, but he nodded and smiled.

Well what's wrong with him? I gave him a confuse look and I whispered, "O-okay?" Before I asked him other questions about him he cutted me off by giving me a piece of.. napkin? 

I took it and I opened it, "Love is like a war, easy to start but hard to stop" I crept a smile when I knew where it is from.

"You got this from the internet right?" I chuckeled.

He blushed a little but he still didn't talk. He pick up the sharpie and wrote at the napkin again. 

'First day. Books on the floor. A hot guy gripping your arm.' 

I knitted my eyebrows and I whispered, "First day.. books.. a hot guy griping on my arm? What?" I was aboput to open my mouth when I remembered. I laughed and I looked at him.

"Oh the first time we met! But wait, a hot guy? I don't remember that." I smirked. 

He laughed nervously and he write something again. 

"Sleep over. Hayley's house. Horror movies. Kiss." (chapter 16)

"Oh the sleep over at Hayley's house when we watched a horror movie and when---" My eyes went wide when I read the last word. Kiss? Fuck. Did he know that I acedentally kissed him when I fell on my bed?!

I looked at him and he smirked. What the hell! He knows it?! This is beyond embarrassing!  placed the napkin at the table and I took a sip at my coffee.

I saw him smilling and he wrote something on the napkin again. I saw him frowning a little but I didn't mind.

"You went out with your crush. You called me Baby Grey. ;)" (chapter 17)

"Wait what crush? You mean Andrew? He's not my crush were just friends. And oh! Baby Grey, oh that time when Alexa said you're blushing because of what I said?" Now it's my time to smirk at him.

He face palmed and he opened the sharpie again. I heard him giggling while writing. Now what's with him.

"My Paradise. "I need you" City Lights. Kiss, well you're expecing on the lips, but I kissed you on your forehead ;)" (chapter 26)

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