Fallen Clippings scatered to the ground

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Warnings: abduction, drugging (sort of? Not seriously), dismembering

"Harry, come on," Peter said with quiet excitement as he tried to pull his friend out of sight of their caretaker.

"Peter we might get in trouble," Harry said all the while letting Peter drag him away behind a cluster of bushes without much protest despite his worries.

"Not if we stay hidden. Come on."Peter responded as he looks around to see if anyone was watching before grabbing Harry's hand and dragging away after him.

"Don't hold my hand, you weirdo." Harry giggled as he willingly followed his mischievous best friend whom he wouldn't trade for anything in the world. The young child lets go of his momentary concerns over getting caught blow away out of his mind with the breeze as Peter lead them away from Vivian.

"Over here," Peter whispered as he pulled Harry into the woods of the park. They bypassed the well-worn hiking path in the wooded area, instead of continuing to dash into the thick tangle of trees. A truly impossible thing to find in a city. Peter cherished this park for that reason. He loved being outside just surrounded by God's creations.

"We were oblivious," Peter said softly, his gaze on the carpet now as he fiddled with the collar of his shirt with his fingers. "I had no idea that they were following us. Or at least they must have been following us. They couldn't have already been there." He continued quietly, almost mumbling as he went on. "I don't know how we didn't notice the vehicle, or them."

"Come on. Over here!" Peter said triumphantly as he brought them into an open clearing. It was open to the sky, the space clear of any large trees in a small area. Small for an adult's wingspan, but perfect for two young boys. It would be easy to just open their wings and catch the winds with them. The breeze wasn't terribly strong with the shelter of younger trees around them, but still swift enough to give them a small lift. Practically all perfect conditions for the two to fly without supervision.

"I wasn't the most well-behaved kid... but I was smart. I knew how to pick where it was safest to try and stretch our wings. I always took everything into consideration." Peter smiled softly but it didn't reach his eyes. He remembered all the work he'd put into finding the perfect spot for them. He'd even made sure to find a place that Harry wouldn't find too dirty with his high standards for a fourth grader. Besides, how else would he have gotten away with as many things as he did at that age? It was rare he was ever really caught doing the act.

Peter opened his extremely pale grey wings. His plumage almost appearing white in the bright sunlight as it reflected off the glossy feathers of his beautiful wings.

"Come on Harry. No one will see us out here. You don't have to worry." Peter coaxed his friend as he lifted his wings and unfolded them partially. That had always been another thing Peter paid attention the most too. If Harry would be seen where they were at.

Harry glanced at the ground suddenly continuous of himself, despite his earlier willing excitement. He was thinking of what his father had done last time, the only time Peter hadn't double checked the area he picked. There had been a camera he had not seen. What if his father somehow found out again? What then? He'd be beaten and forced to only eat once a day again for a week. "I don't know Peter," Harry said about to start the almost traditional argument where he contemplates if he should, most certainly only to be convinced by Peter's tactics that it would be okay to unfurl his black wings.

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