Abandommet is inevitable

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Wade took a picture the first time Spidey fell asleep on his couch with the blanket because he knew it would last longer.

He'd left the city for a few days for a SHIELD mission. He was wary about the idea of leaving Spidey to his own devices for that long but inevitably left in the end. His Baby Boy hadn't been showing evidence of cutting too deep anymore and tended to favor arms less often then he used to. He gave Spidey a caring reassurance and reminded him to take care of himself before giving the smaller a warm
Touch before leaving.

He'd fretted nervously for two days before coming home exhausted, only to nearly jump out of his skin when his couch sighed softly in the dark.

It had taken him a moment to get hold of his bearings to figure out what was going on only to coo when he found his arachnid curled up on the couch, hugging the soft blue blanket. Wade swears that his legs nearly gave out when his little Bed Bug nuzzled into the blanket to warm his cold and exposed nose.

"Is that what that picture's from?" Peter asked curiously.

"My screensaver? Yeah." Wade freely admits as he unlocks his phone to look at the image. Peter looks over at the picture as he continues.

"I'd been waiting for you to get home. I thought you might be happy to see someone." In truth Peter had been terrified that Wade wasn't coming back and had gone over to be able to know exactly when the man made it home and if he was safe.

"I recall learning a very harsh lesson that morning. I'd never taken you to not be a morning person."

"I don't ever recall ever fathoming you would be. Morning people are insane." Peter defended.

"I was to excited to sleep. Spidey was on my couch to wake up to." Wade in turn reminded in his own sad defense. Peter nodded as the both went quiet, solemnly thinking about the past.

When Spidey didn't show up one day Wade found it odd but not worrisome enough to be too greatly concerned. He'd considered that the arachnid could be taking a sick day, too tired to put on the red and blues. Wade busied himself by cleaning every weapon he owned before putting it back where it belonged in his weapons room. When he was done with every firearm, from his high powered ruffles to his itty bitty baby that had squeezed him out of some tight spots (because that's where it was hidden if you know what I mean). Every blade from his Bad boys, Bea and Arthur, to the butter knives kept in the silverware drawer. (He got desperate). Once that was all well and done he cleaned his home for Spidey's return and went grocery shopping only to come home and see that it was only one in then afternoon. Not a happy day. He finally dropped by sister margrets and picked up a Gold ticket before going on his merry way. (No unaliving! Wade swears on Spidey's life. And that's a pretty damn serious swear because he'd k-word every fucked in the damn world who never even considered the thought to think of killing his Baby Boy.

It was three days later that Wade started to really panic.

"What did I do? What did I do? He was okay. He was getting so much better. My baby boy was doing so good so what happened? He didn't- he didn't just do it did he?" Wade hyperventilated. He was convinced that he'd been reading the citation wrong. That maybe Spidey hadn't been getting better. That His Web Head had finally gone to far and Wade hadn't noticed. Wade couldn't even contact him. He had no way to check that Spidey was okay, he couldn't call to see that he was still breathing. He didn't know anything about his little hero. He didn't- he couldn't-

"The avengers have just announced that they have landed in New York City after the security crisis in Beijing yesterday morning. According the the Chinese government and information given to the press by Avengers leader, Captain America, an interstellar threat was announced, bringing together then help of Earth's mightiest heroes and the Guardians of the Galaxy, as they called themselves. Spider-Man was-"

Wade whipped around to stare at the TV and the sound of the name, eyes wide and attentive as his wings burst out protectively at the mention of his Baby Boy.

"Seen at the event. Footage as revealed that he appears to be injured as he was rushed off of the Avenger's quinjet and into the Avengers tower to receive medical treatment for unknown injuries. Information on the battle that was taken place is being with held by China and the United Nations. Spider-Man appears to be the only injured-"

Wade was out the window, already half way down the street before the news anchor could say another word.


"No, no you have to let me in. I have to see him," Wade demanded as he tried to push past Captain America to get to the medical bay. He knew Spidey was there. Otherwise they wouldn't be holding him back.

"Deadpool, I'm ask you to please stop. We-"

Wade shoved past the patriotic man, sprinting down the hall towards the hospital rooms. The whole floor have him the heebie jeebies but he needed to get to his Baby Boy.

"Spidey?" He called, hoping to get a response. He was only met with a iron fist to the face before being shoved up against the wall with an audible crunch. Wade couldn't help the alarmed screech he gave as his wings where crushed ruthlessly under his own body.

"You're not welcome here." Ironman hissed from under the mask.

"I need to see Spidey." Wade managed to slip out as he struggled to pull the iron grip away from his throat so he could breath.

"You have no reason to be here."

"He's my friend," Deadpool insisted while Tony Stark continued.

"You are not wanted and the last thing Spider-Man needs right now is the presence of someone like you. You'll only make it worse. He's not your friend, he's just a nice kid who's done you no harm. "

Deadpool wheezed, smacking the iron forearm in a last resort as he choked out for breath. "I need to see him. He needs me," Wade insisted as he gasped horsily for air. He didn't understand why irondouche was being a more thorough douche- Unless- "What did they do to him?"

"Nobody needs you Deadpool." Tony snarled as team members flooded the hall. "Get him out of here." The man ordered. The actual team did nothing, the iron legion instead taking on the mercenary as he fought back. "What did you do! What happened to him?" Wade demanded as he tried to duck away from the suits trying too restrain him. "Baby Boy, tell them it's okay! Tell them I'm-"

Wade was unexpectedly enveloped in one of the armors, sending him into a momentary shock as he was surrounded by darkness. God he was stupid. So, so stupid. He'd left home unarmed. He didn't think he'd ever need his guns to get a request to see a patient in the avengers medical ward. They'd let him in before when others had been injured. What happened? Why was everyone being such extreme dick bags? Even Cap had restrained him. What was going on? "Who hurt My Baby Boy? I know you can hear me Stark! You and your damn suits.

"Shut up Wade and don't come back." Was the only reply Deadpool received before he was dropped out of the restraining armor onto the top of his apartment building.

No. They were going to break Spidey....
They didn't understand. Wade had to take care of him.

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