Waring on ones self

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"I can't give you employee information. It's against the law and I wouldn't want to even if could," Jameson snapped as he leaned back in his grand office chair in all of its pleather glory.

"Okay." Wade sighed, resisting the urge just to punch the moron. Instead he irritably pinched the bridge of his nose. "Do I look, like I give two flying fucks about the law? If you don't give me what I want in the next two minutes you're going to find our head on a rotisserie stick at the next Hugo's deli. Choose you next action wisely."

The head Editor eyed the mercenary warily. He'd gotten threats before, he just can't say that he'd ever been threatened with being beheaded and barbecued on a stick. By a man who actually looked like he meant business nevertheless taking the man's get up into consideration.

"I want to know what you want with Parker before I consider giving you anything." The older man growled. He could be feisty. He fought off an attack by the green goblin once you know...

[Meaning he was thrown across the room after about seven seconds and not seen until the end of the event.]

(He was still trying to protect Peter tho.... Shit! Sorry, Wade wasn't supposed to know that. Big guy can you forget we said anything?)

Wade shook his head trying to ignore them as he considered the publisher's demand. Though like the boxes said if he again was trying to protect his photographer then he must not be all bad considering the garbage he published about Wade's web slinger.

"I need to find Spider-Man.," Wade said carefully.

"Because you and that menace are-"

"If you day one nasty word about that young man I will personally make you wish you never see the light of day again. Have you ever considered that maybe he's just human like you? Only he's hurt and hates himself and I'd only convinced everyone else does because if your words? Have you never wondered exactly why he throws himself at every danger that comes his way! Why he purposefully teases death when ever he goes out in that spandex suit!" The mercenary snapped. He was not going to put up with this man's bull shitting. He'd go through the files himself and get what he wanted more easily than keeping this man alive to do it for him. "I have no interest in hurting Parker. I only want to see if he can help me." Wade growls.

The publisher blinks at Wade in shock. The merc isn't sure if it's because his brain started working for the first time and it was just a startling feeling for the writer, or because he was being cornered into his chair by a threatened mercenary who in turn was threatening with his own mindful words.

Wade didn't wait to figure it out.


[well that was...]

(Certainly something.)

Wade didn't disagree with the two little monsters. Who ever this Peter was, he wouldn't  have to be dealing with his boss for a good while. The dick. Wade came across some of paper work that went with some of the sold photographs handed in. All the guy was getting for his fantastic work was a few measly dollars that Wade was
More then capable of spending in a single day.

[Especially with this renovating shit you've been doing.]

"Mind you, that renovating shit is for Spidey. And besides we're past that. We've been-"

(Obsessively ordering and seeking nesting material. We know.)

"Well it needs to be perfect and the best for him if he ever accepts. If he ever comes back." Wade defends.

(You're destroying your savings.)

"That doesn't mater,"

"So that's why my salary tripled." Peter concluded. It made sense. "So... what exactly did you do to him?"

"Why don't you just continue on with the story?" Wade advised, avoiding the question.

. . . . .

Peter was scared. He was terrified.

He tucked himself away in his room, hidden protectively within the small nest that was his nest. It was an anxious habit. To build a nest. He'd always been scorned about it. Always told that nests were reserved for people who mated and the few people that came over when he was younger used to always tease him about it. They'd ask who the lucky guy or girl was. It terrified him that they would say that but that only led him to stay away from them rather then make them happy. Aunt May understood. She knew that Peter was scared. She knew that the nest wasn't reserved for couples. It was meant to comfort and be a safe place and that's what Peter wanted so she'd let him. Nothing had changed since he'd moved out and became an adult.

Peter wasn't rich. His mayn't had never been not living paycheck to paycheck either since Ben died and it's not like Peter ever had a luxury when he'd been gone those long few years. He didn't have any of the nice blankets that many bought for their nests. He wanted them badly, wanted the soft fleece and silky fabrics for as long as he could remember and Deadpool gifting him such a blanket had really struck something in him. He wanted so badly to retrieve the comfort blanket, to cuddle it close and breath in the familiar scent of the man's home.

But he couldn't. He couldn't risk meeting him. He didn't know what could happen, what if something happened? What if Deadpool had been acting all this time and only was trying to manipulate Peter into giving him his body? What if that was why Wade had given the gifts, to lure Peter in? What if-

'What if it wasn't fake?' Something inside of him whispered. It was nothing like Spider-Man whispering things to him.

The thought was pushed aside before it could be considered but it remained lingering in the back of Peter's mind.

It was the mission. The mission was what rekindled his fears. He'd gotten hurt, knocked unconscious. He didnt know where he was or what was going on when he came to. There had been a man pinning him down and Peter's suit had been for the most part burned away...

Peter bad hurt a lot of people.
It was an accident but it still happened.

Peter had recovered and moved on but he was still afraid. Afraid he'd wake up and find someone hovering over him and Peter wouldn't remember what had happened but he would feel it. He never wanted that to happen again... and Deadpool was a potential threat in the way that he could be someone that he woke up to hovering over him.

But he missed his friend. His mercenary.

Wade remained silent through out Peter's turn to explain events. Quietly he listened, blue eyes watching Peter carefully before finally wrapping an arms around his Baby Boy's waist.

He understood.

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