Another Step Forward

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"Do you think he'll notice?"

[What? That you stole his favorite shirt? Psh- oh of course not. It's not like he wears it like every other day. God you're a moron]

(How do you expect us to truly whoo our lovely arachnid if we present to him an empty nest? We can't fill it with junk-)

[No. You apparently have to fill it with his Special junk.]

Wade shook his head. It was a mistake to ask. He didn't understand why he asked. They had been so good lately with being basically nonexistent and he had to go in and completely ruin it for himself.

He sighed as he tuned them out and started for the sixth time to perfect the nest he was building.

The key to building a nest as a presenter, is that not only does it have to be just perfect in comfort and feeling, it also has to be inviting and tempting to the one it was being offered to. That being said, the most common thing to do is to fill it with gifts such as packaged food the significant other adores, or maybe a proposal ring and a phone charger that reached from the wall to the nest if a guy felt lucky. But no. Wade really wanted Peter's attention. He didn't want to just tempt Peter with he idea of some sort of false love that would last a year and slowly dissipate. No. Wade Winston Wilson wanted Peter Benjamin Parker to accept Wade for the gift of comfort and safety over that of guy with a fat bank account, only interested in the sex they offered each other that would soon get boring.

Obviously the later didn't apply to them, but he didn't want Peter to expect expensive bull crap from him. Other than the nesting blankets. Wade had gone overboard in finding and stalking up on those... but he'd burned the receipts so Peter would never know.

[And don't forget how you fucking renovated our home for him.] One of the boxes added snobbishly.

"I had to make this place livable in for Baby Boy. No way was he going to live in what this place used to be." Wade snapped as he carefully nestled the shirt into a perfect nook in the blankets where Peter would be able to see it.

It had been hard sneaking away something like this. He had to wait until Peter had it in a laundry basket that had been left out in the living room before he could finally weasel it away when Peter wasn't looking. It was a slow, painful process that took three weeks to complete. And sadly Wade was painfully aware his nest was far from being acceptable which meant he had to start working on his shoplifting, (homelifting?)... stealing skills in order to slowly but surely sneak Peters home into his own so that maybe Peter would accept it as their home once he was presented the nest.

"Wade?" A small voice calls out from the room on the other side of the wall at the end of the room. The Merc's wings flare in alarm at the sound of his baby Boy's voice. This whole thing would be a worthless mission if Peter found out what his courting partner was doing. He couldn't let Peter know before the time was right.

His wings fold in as he rushes to the door of the bedroom, slipping past it quickly and shutting it behind him before he peaks around the corner of the hall. Peter luckily wasn't near the bedroom or within easy sight if it. The little brunette had wandered into the kitchen, obviously intrigued by something with the way he was curly cocking his head to the side as he picked something up.

"Baby Boy?" The merc said softly to catch the arachnids attention without startling him.

The Spider turned around quickly with what looked like a Funion half shoved in his mouth and the yellow bag clutched close to his chest.

Wade could practically hear the wide eyed, 'you aren't seeing anything', look the arachnid was giving him through the wide lenses on the spiders mask. Peter shoved the rest of the Funion into his mouth with a loud crunch like someone would otherwise take it away if he didn't shove it in. The mercenary glanced around his apartment walls for a millisecond before letting his gaze fall back down onto Peter who was giving him the most innocent guilty look Wade had ever seen. The new expression that had been revealed by the removal of Peter's mask brought a smile to replace the small frown that had made home on Wade's face as he'd watched Peter awkwardly eat his snack.

"You hungry Baby Boy?"

Peter nodded, his warm eyes falling to glance down at the floor before one quickly looked back up at Wade as he remembered something. "A-actually I have something for you." Peter said, shuffling nervously in his place, the bag he'd been stealing from was set down at some moment that Wade hadn't noticed.

The merc also hadn't noticed that his wings had fallen out of hiding as his Baby Boy had been speaking, his dark feathers turning shades of blue and green as light from the windows hit them as he emerged from behind his corner. He trusted his courting partner and wanted and instincts told him to show this and earn Peter's by making his reactions completely readable and understandable. There was only one way a person could do that, and that was with their wings. No one can lie with them. It's why the best spies and assassins in the world either don't have wings or learn to conceal them perfectly so they can't be forced out into the open if they don't want them to.

Peter moved forward nervously so he could stand directly across from Wade rather then from the other side of the room. He was bowing his head submissively to Wade which would have been concerning in any other circumstance.

Wade watched Peter with interest, his wings attentively raised but still folded together. Peter glanced back up at Wade before presenting Wade with two pre bought tickets to the new Star Wars movie that he'd been looking forward for the last two years but had completely spaced out that it came out today.

It almost startled Peter strait out of his pants when Wade's wings shot out into an accepting pose as he made a soft squealing noise that was disturbingly close to what Peter's few fan girls made when he passed by.

"You remembered!" The mercenary cheered, pulling the arachnid into a dramatic embrace as his wings remained slightly flared on the note of acceptance.

Peter, after he gathered himself enough to process what happened chuckled softly.

Of course he remembered.

"I'm still a little confused on how I didn't scare you. I'd moved too quickly for your comfort but all you did was jump a little" Okay Wade was exaggerating, Peter had jumped about six inches truthfully. "And didn't even squirm when I basically smothered you."

"I know... I'd thought it through for a week before I presented. I tried to figure out how you'd react and prepared myself for it... and I trusted you. I knew you were just being touchy and happy when you went to hug me." Peter said softly as he moved about their shared kitchen, the mercenary moving with him like they were attached at the hip.

"I'm not touchy."

Peter turned from the cupboard he was digging in to give his mate a raised eyebrow. Wade's hand had literally not left his lower back the whole time Peter had been scavenging for food as they shared words with each other. Peter obviously hadn't needed to explain the whole Funion thing to Wade. Shortly after that courting display Wade came quick to realize that once Peter had discovered the merc tended to by the rings, the arachnid wouldn't allow the man to live in a home that was not stocked with them. The Spider was unhealthily obsessed. And that first guilty look at been an apology for the eternal pain Wade would have to suffer with in making sure they always had a stock of Funion in the pantry, a backup stick in the bedroom, and little mini bags for Peter when they went out and the Hero got a craving.

Peter made a small "yay" sound as he reached up and found a bag. Wade at least didn't make it easy for Peter. The bug had to sniff them out to get them.

"Wade!" Peter demanded when he saw the bag was open because he knew, he just knew that he wasn't the one that had opened them.

"I just- I only had-" Wade flung his arms up in defeat at the look he was giving "okay sorry. Won't ever touch them again without your permission." Even if he had to buy the Cursed things.

Well... no mate is perfect.

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