Those Short Moments of Truth that Decide if you're Pure

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Warnings: Wade watching Peter's mind torture itself

"Hey, no!" Deadpool called in alarm as Spidey took a step too far back, his foot landing on empty space. The lenses of the hero's mask widened in alarm though unknown to Wade it wasn't because of the fall, but nearly the shout of the stranger....

Peter wouldn't ever tell Wade if he took that last step back on purpose or not. Would never confess to wade on whether he was truly trying to get away or just permanently escape.

Wade also never told Peter he'd contemplated if it was worth his identity to save the arachnid. The man had only ever had one option if he wanted to save the spider.

Peter was terrified. He was falling and he couldn't help himself. Suddenly he didn't want to die, he changed his mind. He changed his mind!  Why'd he break his web shooters? Why'd The man scare him? Why were men so bad? Who couldn't they leave him alone? Peter cried out as he twisted in the air to glance at the mercenary staring at him in alarm before something hit his head and he was pulled away from consciousness before his wings could instinctually burst out from under his skin to save him.

It was amazing how fast the mind worked. How in merely a few milliseconds the mind could process a situation and decide how to react. Peter's reaction had been initial panic and Wade had experienced an internal battle between self preservation and compassion in the short time Peter fell three feet.

Wade would also like to note that 'fuck. I killed him before I could tap that," was NOT a thought he had had in those moments of conflict. was Yellow.

[you'll never forgive yourself for killing our hero.] had been the initial factor that had made his choice.

The mercenary had gracefully dove over the edge after the Spider. Peter had gotten over his daze of being hit by a bird and saw the man diving after him. He couldn't understand why he had reached out to the person that was his fear. Maybe it was because he in that moment would have chosen to live through all the pain of being raped all over again to just simply live a little longer and not fall into the cold hands of death.

He remembered being pulled into a strong embrace, his face being pressed near the man's heart while they were jerked to a sudden halt. The initial panic that had coursed through Wade when he'd been sure that the arachnid would be pulled out of his hold by the force of inertia. To his luck the Spider clung onto him with grasping hands while Wade struggled to keep himself and the added dead weight airborne. 

The shock of elevation mixed with Peter's natural fear of heights aided the (normally) daredevil of a hero to pass out in his savior's arms in a very unglorified manner.

"Oh you fainted because you were in such awe of being saved by your prince charming." Wade teased, nudging Peter roughly in a playful manner.

"Are you claiming that I'm some sort of sad damsel in distress?" Peter asked with narrowed eyes.

"Well obviously."

The sound of a smack resonated in the room.

"Okay, okay. Back to the story," Wade pitifully answers to the abuse.

Wade didn't carry them far, just struggled to get to the next building over and landed on the roof with wobbly legs as he pulled his ugly wings back under his skin as quickly as possible before slowly lowering himself and his Hero to the ground. Blood pumped loudly through his ears as adrenaline rushes through his veins from the excitement of jumping over the edge of a building and strenuously using his large, uncared for wings.

(We groom quite regularity mind you. We just don't like them.) a box helpfully supplies, appearing for the audience in the upper corner of Wade's vision.

Wade laid Spidey's head carefully on his lap, cautious with how he handled the small one... this would probably be the first and last time he'd ever get to touch the young man so he would make the most of it without being creepy about it.

[Oh and this way we can gaze at him all we want before he sadly, eventually comes to in a minute or whatever.]

"That too." Wade hummed in agreement. "I'd still like to believe it's because no one likes waking up alone after being left defenseless to the world." He added softly as he looked down at the Spider. He wasn't aware that Peter had come too moments after passing out. The arachnid had been too petrified to comprehend that he had seen Deadpool's wings and didn't pay much mind to the fact other then the way they had been pulled quickly away from sight before Peter could comprehend their details. He was too scared to move at the moment. Afraid that the man would force him down if he would try to move.

"You were faking?!" Wade exclaimed in betrayal as Peter admitted to his awareness of the conversation. Peter ignored Wade's huff as he continued on.

It wasn't until Peter began to feel almost comfortable with the warmth of being pressed so close to another body that he realizes what it is that he's done. He'd let a man hold and touch him. Someone who would hurt him if he was allowed and Peter quickly scrambled away when fear over took him. He realized that he needed to get away before the man started asking questions, before he wondered why Peter hadn't saved himself with his own wings.

The man would find out and then he'd hurt Peter and- and-

The Web head bolted up, trying to get away. Away from his thoughts, from MJ, his wings, those hands that had gripped him as they forced their too big parts into his small, weak body.

"No!" He cried as he was pulled back, unable to run. The jolt from his yank sent him flailing off balance and slamming harshly down into the cement before the man knelt over him as he tried to squirm away. "No I don't want to please!"

Peter didn't see the red mask anymore. Instead he was back in the dark room, huddled in the corner of the space where he had a mattress on the floor. The tall man was standing over him, with his dick standing out strait and ready for his attention.

Wade was left dumbfounded to why someone so strong was cowering before him, trying to cover their own assets. Christ, he wasn't that obvious was he?

No. No Spidey was talking. Wade could make out that the hero was addressing someone that wasn't him. Spidey wasn't responding to wade at all, not even when he softly tried to call him back from what ever headspace he'd fallen into. 

It was when the hero started crying out for help from what ever experience he was living through that Wade had triggered did the mercenary start to shift uneasily.

(Maybe it would be better to leave him alone...)

"Maybe...," Wade agreed quietly.

But he still couldn't help but need to help somehow. He had a feeling that His web head was reliving something and he wanted to figure it out.

He tried to convince himself he wanted to do it for his own selfish desires as he patiently waited by Spidey's side... but he knew why he was really staying.

"I wont let anything ever hurt you baby boy."

"I know."

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