Breaking already shatered wings

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Warnings: Sad... Cringe, WTF?, Wade takes away the keyboard

It was when he figured out that Spidey wasn't coming back that he finally cracked. He'd huddled up on his couch, reserved and clutching his Baby Boy's blanket to his face as he watched the red and blue Hero for the third day in a row be shown battling some random douche on the block.

Wade couldn't be mad. But, yeah No he was fuming that the Avengers had done something to cost him someone he'd been so close to courting. He wouldn't dare bring himself to have a fit, he wanted to stay strong for Spidey.

(Oh please like it would have ever progressed past gift giving and Friday Arcade night.) a bright box appeared above the TV across from the mercenary as he continued to hug the blanket.

[Not to be a dick, but it's my job. One I don't mind actually, but he's right. Spidey still hasn't even seen your face much less your wings. By now you. Ohh should have seen each other's feathers.] The first box's brother added as it popped into view a few feet away the other, both in the corner of Wade's vision.

"Spidey hasn't made an effort to show his either," Wade defensively pointed out, anger quickly brewing with the shared interaction with the boxes.

(Probably because he doesn't like you or trust you enough. Showing someone's wings is as significant as showing ones face when it comes to people with secret idents. He doesn't trust you,)

[He probably has only been acting different around you thinking that if he didn't that you'd hurt him. Finally he's gotten to the point where he can't offer more then he's willing to give and he's ditched you.]

Wade wanted to yell profanities back at the box but couldn't stop himself from taking in and understanding what the voice was actually saying.... and it made sense, he concluded as he sunk deeper into the vision he hadn't moved for a few hours now. The idea that maybe he'd scared Spidey enough that maybe the other thought he was forced to open up to Wade or risk being attacked by a work class mercenary who had a particular obsession with the arachnid.

"And what about those times he was happy. Those times where there was no way that couldn't have been faked. Like when he first brought him to the arcade, or... or when we first saw the apartment? Why would he go out of his way to greet me when I came home from missions?" Wade countered hopefully, angry that the boxes would try and detour him from thinking that Spidey really was getting better, that they were friends. "Why would he accept my gifts and respond to me when I'd give him courting greetings or-" Wade stopped as he thought back to all those times, all those small moments of success and care. "You fuckers. You know exactly what's going on," He growled before tossing the blanket aside and stopping back into his bedroom to strap on his katanas, and numerous firearms along with his utility belt.

"Jackassses know there's something wrong with this picture just as much as I do! There's something going on and it started with that damn mission that the Avengers took him on without warning," Wade snapped as he stuffed his pouches with a few useful objects before grabbing his phone. He shoved his window open and stepped out, making sure to secure the window behind him. He actually had a reason to keep the place safe now and despite Spidey's absence that didn't stutter Wade's desire to keep the hopefully future nest safe.

"I want that excuse of a man Jameson on the line." Wade snapped into his phone when the line was picked up to be politely answered by a surely sweet secretary. He'd hardly noticed he'd been dialing the medias office number. But then again, that's just the sort of thing that happens when you have people writing out what your doing while your not conscious of it. Sometimes it honestly made Wade feel violated. That's a lie, it honestly almost always feels humiliating. Funny how the author was trying to write down a less significant word only to glance away and noticed it had changed to truly express his thoughts. The power doesn't always go one way, and he felt obligated to let this person know this. He was capable of making choices for himself and that's all he wanted. All he'd ever wanted was to be given the ability to be himself without being directed down a path.

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