My Love

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Peter gasped, eyes wide and bright as he peered past Wade's dark wing that was being held lightly extended behind Wade's back, just enough to be right in Peter's way when he tried to see what Wade was leading him to until he finally pushed the oversized, feathered arm down out of his line of sight.

"Here?" Peter exclaimed in confusion as he gaped at the place Wade suggested they eat.

It was a rather new establishment (according to what Peter heard, God knows he couldn't afford to eat here) and was also almost impossible to get a reservation for. The fair sized front of the resultant had an expensive aura too it, the well suited and bedazzled people walking in and fro looked just as expensive as the intriguing building itself. There was a warm glow around the place, and Peter could practically already smell the great quality of, well everything, radiating  from the place.

"I thought it would be a nice change. Better than the same old three places we order from all the time." The magpie shrugged as he moved his wing out of the way. Peter pretended not to notice the way wade quickly pulled the his wings under his skin the moment he felt people look in their direction.

"Wade, I can hardly afford to look at this place without feeling the need to give them my liver in hopes it would be enough to pay the debt of taking in the exquisite exterior. Besides, I'm not dressed to In a place like that." The arachnid argued as he shuffled his feet shyly, his wings fluttering under his skin in an uncontrolled expression. He couldn't hide that he was very impressed, even more so at the thought that Wade was willing to go in there without the protection of his mask. He was actually wearing a quite nice pair of kakis and a blazer. It looked great on him, giving Wade the outgoing, bright feel that reflected his attitude while also having a sharp, classy look, the pure definition of how he treated Peter. Wade was a player who liked to play by the old rules when he was determined to woo. Peter truly adored it. It was amazing, but here he was, dressed in black skinny jeans he had to painfully force himself into and a simply hoodie that matches the color of Wade's dark, navy blazer.

"Good thing I'm paying then isn't it Baby Boy?" Wade smiled as he folded his wing back out of sight to instead wrap an arm around his adorable courting partner.

Peter hummed, obviously not going to object but also not completely happy he had little to chip in to help with the expenses that were sure to be sky high.

Wade walked Peter across the street towards the nice place. They held hands as they walked, Wade gently swinging their arms as they went in a playful manner. Peter couldn't help but smile at the sound of Wade's feathers continuously rustling under his skin in excitement.

Peter covered up his gasp with a cough as the walked inside. The sight of  the Japanese simplistic decor sending electrical pulses up his spine. It was just so nice,
Clean, and organized and Peter just wanted to squeal and point and and-

....he was just happy Deadpool seemed already keenly aware of Peter's preference in interior design before he redid his place. Everything about this place was equally sensually pleasing as Wade's apartment, especially when Wade's scent was in both places. And the smell of the food as it hit the arachnids sensitive nose. Oh my God the food~

"This way Baby Boy," Wade chuckled happily as he pulled the practically salivating arachnid along towards the lobby desk.

Peter pulled himself together after Wade's hand let go of his to instead gently press against the small of his back to lead him forward.

The arachnid subconsciously hid  partially behind the Merc's bulk as the hostess's eyes locked onto them with a smile. She looked friendly, but she still scared Peter enough.

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