I Declare My Love Fom the Rooftops

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This Is My Fucking warning 

Wade kissed Peter's spine where it met his neck, following up until he reached the corner of the arachnids jaw. The arachnid had begun to tense up again from the strange sensations that were so familiar and new all at once.

Peter let out a unsteady breath as he forced himself to relaxed under the merc, keeping himself calm and aware as the larger man draped over him in order reach him, having started to nip at Peter's ear while the brunette arched his back, grinding onto the hard, hot flesh that was pressed against him. Peter's movements earned him a rewarding groan from his courting partner, Wade taking a second from worshipping any skin within his reach, to grind back onto Peter's well-shaped ass.

"Promise me you'll always take care of me. Promise you'll never hurt me. Promise me that if I stay Stop, you'll listen." Peter pleaded from where he remained in perfect presenting form under the mercenary. He trusted Wade, but he still wanted to hear it. He didn't want to think that by any off chance the man he loved could be like one of the men long before. He wanted to be sure he was safe in Wade's hands.

Wade nuzzled the back of Peter's neck, his heart clenching at the suspicion of why Peter was asking him to Promise this specifically. "Peter. I promise, so long as we're alive, the moment you say Stop, for anything, I'll do everything that I can to make it stop. I'll figure out a way to still the Earth if I must. Petey, I don't want anything to hurt you, and that certainly includes myself and anything we may do. I promise that I will take care of you, that I will respect you, and that everything we ever do will be under your control," Wade promised softly in Peter's ear, turning the Hero's head just enough so that he could press forward and exchange a relatively short, but meaningful kiss.

Wade could feel Peter smile into the small kiss and was rewarded by catching a glimpse of it before Peter returned to his position. The merc continued soothing the arachnid over until Peter once again was like warm putty, using a hand to reach for the hidden lube while the arachnid was distracted. Peter naturally jerked forward and away from the cool, slick finger probing at him from behind before relaxing upon the moment he realized that it was Wade.

"Nothing will ever hurt you Baby Boy. I promise you that you will never have to worry as long as you trust me and communicate with me. Tell me what does and doesn't make you feel safe and comfortable. I love you, and all I ever want is for you to know and believe that." Wade said softly against Peter's ear before nipping at the arachnids soft earlobe while slowly pressing his finger into the young man below him.

Peter responded with a small gasp followed by a soft moan as the digit brushed past the small bundle of nerves hidden inside of him. It had been a long time since he'd even been consciously aware of the spot. Now with the different, pleasant circumstances triggering the small shocks of pleasure shooting through him. The arachnid pressed back, unable to control his body's reflex for his hips to sway side to side in a show of welcoming and impatience.

The way his courting partner was giving him attention, as he slowly kissed the small marks and scars trailing across Peter's body was hypnotic and made the arachnids heart swell. His prick twitched with the stimulation of Wade's fingers as they are fully opened him up and spread him open. Peter's tingled in an addictive manner where he wanted wade to touch. Where he wanted Wade to trace over with his skin with his rough, textured hands, to grab and hold close. Peter wasn't sure if that was an instinct or a personal appeal that had silently developed over the years of his inactive sex life. Either way, he wanted Wade to take all of him. He wanted Wade to make him forget, to rewrite over old memories and to show him what it was like to be loved.

The stretch of Wade's fingers he'd been given was a pleasurable burn that had him whining for more. He wanted Wade. He wanted his courting partner to be his mate, he wanted Wade to be his. He was ready. He wanted this, he wasn't afraid, there was nothing to be afraid of.

Wade rubbed a hand up Peter's back as he straightened and knelt behind his Spider, taking back his fingers much to Peter's disappointment if the whine Peter let it had to do with anything. "You ready?" Wade asked softly while he slicked himself up, thumbing over his head while slowly pumping cock to relieve some of the pain waiting had brought him.

"Please Wade," Peter said softly from where his head was resting on a small clump of blankets. "Fuck me."

"As you wish." The mercenary said quietly as he guided himself to the delicate entrance in front of him. His free hand came up to run soothing circles into the muscle of Peter's at seas the young man arched beautifully beneath him.

The sound that came from Peter when Wade began to slowly pressed in would haunt Wade's wet dreams for the rest of his existence. The hero quickly became a mewling mess underneath him.

Wade grunted when he came to a stop once he was fully sheathed by the intense, warm, velvety, heat surrounding him. He waited for Peter to adjust to the intrusion within him before starting a slow, gentle rhythm. Peter gasped, closing his eyes as warm pleasure spread throughout his body. The arachnid practically pitted as Wade ran his hands up Peter's ribs with a hand he wasn't resting on, slowly letting his hand travel down to Peter's cock.

Wade kissed the back of Peter's neck as made love to his partner, listening to Peter's soft, pleasure slurred rambling and anticipating the moment he'd get to mark Peter as his own.

Peter was his.

Peter was his to love and care for. Always.

And with that, he gently sunk his teeth into the back of the young man's neck. Peter moaned underneath him, his body convulsing in ecstasy as pleasure consumed them both as the bond was made, connecting them together for life.

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