Falling like a stone

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Warnings: Holy Fucking Fuzzy Feels

Food became a regular for them-

"Well that's sort of a No Brainer. Since  when has there ever been no food involved in some sort or part of a relationship with the Deadpool and Petey Parker? Never. Not in any realm of the multi universes has we never gotten along and not eaten. Even when we don't get along in those rare, depressing, yet existent worlds, we still have pancakes at some point in our life time." Wade declared, making grand gestures and exclamations to go along with his monologue.

Peter was giving Wade a look between surprise at the common, random outburst and the irresistible need to smile at the never predictable reactions of the merc with a mouth. He just smiled stupidly and shook his head before continuing only for Wade to take over to put in a few important details Peter wouldn't know anything about.

Either Peter would be dragged along (in a way Wade as was sure that didn't trigger the younger) or they walked their way to Wade's apartment all while eating a heart amount of take out.

Wade had even put in extra effort to make sure he didn't get any (more) bloodstains on his walls or floor since he'd slowly influenced that coming to his place was a regular thing. The one stain he couldn't get out he threw a rug over. As though fate meant it to be the stain had been in the center of his living room and the rug went quite well with the new coffee table he had gotten to replace the sad excuse that used to be in front of his couch. And of course, he couldn't have a nice coffee table and a shitty looking couch. So evidently that led to him getting a new, dark brown leather couch (you could easily wipe blood off of that sucker. Win win.) and so to fill the empty room he got a matching chair and foot stool. And then there was the tv stand that was necessary so that his tv didn't just sit on the floor next to his gaming consoles. And when that was all good and done he realized that one can not have a nice living area and then a shitty kitchen. To keep the balance flowing he threw out everything within the cupboards, and the cupboards them selves.

That was all Wade had been able to muster in a day before he had to rush out to meet his Spidey out on patrol. He kept pushing away stupid comments made by the boxes as the continuously teased him on his lame presenting. BUT it wasn't presenting. He was just being self continued. His company's thoughts on his home and it would be polite to bring Spidey home to a lovely living space.

'Because you want it to be his living space too,' the boxes sing songed in union as he climbed out the window.

Wade rolled his eyes in annoyance though proceeded to instead not bring Spidey back like usual in order to keep his works on the down low.

(Beside you like him and you wanna marry him)

[Are you going to bring him over for a candle lit dinner and open your gorgeously hideous wings?]

"I was thinking maybe about boom boxing outside of his window instead actually." Wade had snapped at the box, forgetting he was walking next to his baby boy. "And they aren't hideous. They're just bad." He concluded. He was self conscious about his appearance. It was no lie. He'd killed many people over the fact that one English douche bag ruined his face. He did the best he could to make himself a little less disgusting and grooming his feathers was one of them. He might not look normal, but at least his wings felt normal, they were clean and well kept to give him some form of dignity despite their color.

Wade almost missed the hesitant look Spidey was giving him. He was expecting him to be warily staring at him but instead the spider silently studied him before whitely asking "you alright?"  Wade felt relief and guilt at seeing the unalarmed reaction. Relief that he wasn't creeping the other out yet disappointed that it was because the smaller was used to him.

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