Lets Spread our Wings, Together

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"Hey Baby Boy." Wade mummered against the back of Peter's neck before running his tongue over Peter's bond, soothing over the healing wound.

Peter hummed, glancing back at the merc while the man wrapped his arms around the arachnids bare waist, distracting the spider from getting to the top cupboards where the pop tarts were.

"I have something for you," Wade said softly as he buried his nose in Peter's hair. Goose bumps prickled along Peter's skin as the air cooled over the damp spot Wade left behind on the mark at the nape of his neck.

"Wade, I swear that if it's another opportunity to meet your-"

Wade chuckled. "No. No, it's not that."

"Good. Because my ass hurts." Peter said, as he turned and put a small French vanilla cup into the Keurig before closing the lid, forgetting about the pop tarts. He twisted in Wade's hold to face him as the machine behind him began to heat.

"Well, that's your own fault Baby Boy. You asked." Wade smiled, giving Peter an Eskimo kiss, finishing it off with a peck on the nose.

Peter eyed Wade for the comment. If the man wasn't hung like a horse then he wouldn't have to be worrying about it at all. "So What is it that you have for me Pool?"

Wings wrapped around Peter, mindfully edging far below his line of sight in his peripheral vision. "I was thinking maybe we could go out for a walk before I show you."

"But it's cold outside." Peter pouted, pressing and nuzzling further against Wade with his bare chest and cold nose.

"Well, maybe you should go put some pants on," Wade said softly while his hands roamed down to gently massage over the soft skin of Peter's ass. The arachnid was dressed in Wade's t-shirt, pulling off the boyfriend t-shirt look perfectly.

"No," Peter stated. Wade was warm, and those large, magpie wings were acting like a great big blanket. It made Peter's little space inside of Wade's embrace a cozy, warm bubble. He liked it. Who needed pants when you have a big man to cling onto like a little Spider Monkey.... or just a Spider. Minus the monkey... Peter didn't like monkeys.

"Someone's decisive today."

"Well, maybe you shouldn't have made me sore and sedative." Peter snarked in return, lifting his head to look up at Wade with defiant, brilliant eyes. All the while he displayed the cumulation Of love marks he'd collected in the past few days.

"Sorry Baby Boy. You want me to kiss it all better?" Wade asked.

"No. We know where that all leads. So what is this thing you want to show me?" Peter asks, turning away from Wade only long enough for him to grab his coffee once it's done. He holds it close to himself before turning back to Wade to bury himself back into the warm bubble his Mate has created for him.

"Well, I was wondering..." Wade said slowly.

Peter waited patiently through his wings betrayed him and twitched with impatience under his skin. This caused Wade to smile. He found it adorable how good Peter was at hiding his true feelings when it came to things like this. Peter always got so mad at his wings when they gave him away, and the way the little one's nose was scrunched up and his eyes glaring to the side like he could scare his wings into silence.

"Come here," Wade smiled, pulling his wings away, ignoring Peter's childish whine of protest at the popping of his warm bubble. He reluctantly follows Wade anyway into the center of living room.

"You know I love you, Peter," Wade said as he held both of Peter's hands.

Peter nodded softly. Wade had proven that over and over again. Especially in the last few days. Nothing they did made Peter nervous. Wade's wandering hands didn't put him on edge, they didn't make him worry about the past. He craved Wade's attention, and the bond demanded that Peter seek out Wade's attention. His body stirred at the simple idea.

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