To Throw Aside Your Shield

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Peter glanced up from the plate of fresh pancakes sitting in front of him to look up at the man who sat across from him, munching on his own breakfast.

The arachnid was waiting for something. Anything. He could practically feel the other vibrating from containing what he had to say despite his happy mood and playful foot nudges under the table. A silent Deadpool was obviously not a satisfied Wade Wilson.

Peter hummed happily at the thought and knowledge of Deadpool's name before he internally cringed at how Wade had accidentally stumbled upon his identity. He glanced back up at Wade after his eyes wandered down to his plate.

By now the mercenary was looking at Peter a bit put out looking at seeing the arachnids conflicted and various expressions. He'd done something wrong. He had to have. Why else would his Baby Boy glance up at him and look broken once he did  a second time.

"Is there something wrong?" Wade asked, distress clear in his jittery movements. A reaction to thinking he'd displeased his courting partner.

"With you." Peter answered with a small frown.

Wade's brows furrowed at the answer, he and his boxes momentarily stunned and a bit offended with the answer. His boxes had always joked about someone saying something along those lines but they'd never actually thought-

Peter's eyes widened in alarm, the smaller taking in a quick inhale as he finally heard what he'd said. "I mean- I mean, there's something wrong. You're not acting normal and it's bothering me and me being bothered is bothering you more and I just- am really... stupid and bad with words..." he looked down shamefully, his ears a vibrant red that would match his suit if he'd been wearing it.

Stupid. If he were Spider-Man he wouldn't have said that. He would have thought it through....

Wade relaxed at hearing Peter's panicked correction with a small smile, once again nudging Peter's foot with his own. "Hey it's okay." The merc reassured. "I understand now."

Peter glanced back up with wide, shy eyes. Wade quickly realized after a few long seconds that his Baby Boy, wrapped in his blanket with a fork held delicately in his hand as he waited, was truly awaiting Wade's explanation upon knowing the merc was forgiving of his own words.

Wade's expression slowly fell, being replaced with an uncomfortable look that made Peter's eyes awkwardly flit away while the larger man wiggled nervously in his seat.

Peter would have said it was fine, he didn't have to answer, if he wasn't to anxious himself to actually speak the kind words. That and Spider-Man wouldn't allow it because he wanted the answer just as Peter did.

"Um...." Wade tried to start, poking at a piece of pancake with his fork that had yet to be eaten. "I missed you."
Wade sighed, looking down at the table.

Peter watched Wade quietly as he continued. "I thought you were Dead. I didn't know where you'd disappeared to. You just stopped showing up and then I couldn't find you around the city.... I thought maybe you'd gone to far." Both silently glanced at then bandages covering Peter's then wrists. He sub continually set down his fork and hid them under the table. It would be an understatement if Peter said he felt shameful as he listened to Wade continue.

"But then I heard you came back to the avengers and I got there was quickly as I could. I tied to see you, I tried to tell them they couldn't just do what they wanted, that you wouldn't trust them but they didn't listen. They just threw me out. And when you finally started patrolling again In thought maybe I'd get to come home to someone familiar again, only you never came.... It hurt. I thought I'd done something wrong, that I didn't do something I should have. Or maybe they had convinced you I was just trying to use you or some sick lie. I missed you Spidey. I've never been able to call a place home. Not until you started inviting yourself in. I wanted to make you happy and protect you. I still do, I want to chase away all the evil, and all the darkness from your life. And those damned weird ass animal themed weirdos that like to shove you around. I love you Peter. I trust you and I want you to be able to trust me too."

Peter stared at Wade in awe. He'd never heard anyone say such a think. At least when it wasn't scripted on some show. He never imagined that someone could actually care for him. Somewhere in the back of his mind he'd always assumed Deadpool had Been interested in him only in hopes of somehow getting rewarded by Peter's Body.

But now looking at Wade, Peter didn't believe it. He didn't believe it because being able to look into the Merc's blue eyes he could see the true, deeply rooted pain with in them. He could see all of the times the man before him had been let down and used by people. He could see just how vulnerable the man behind the mask really was to the cruel world around them. He could see past that childish excitement and absurd sense of humor on the outside of the mask, and into the broken person who lived within.

Peter could see Wade's wings. Their vulnerable and conserved expressions telling Peter all that he needed.

Because wings don't lie.

"And I want to ask you Peter, if you'll give me a real chance to court you. Not just dancing skittishly around and giving you gifts, but to actually give me a chance to earn your acceptance."

Peter smiled. He hadn't done a single thing to truly earn Wade's trust, and yet here the dark winged man was tearing down every shield he'd ever built up to let Peter in.

And Peter would be a fool to let this opportunity get away. "There's no one i'd ever trust more with the chance,"

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