My Display

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Peter groaned with pleasure as his mate rolled their hips against his ass, the smaller pushing back onto the prick filling him. "This isn't quite like how it went," Peter stuttered as Wade's thrusts shoved him forward on the bed with the strength behind each pleasurable push.
"There were more Funyuns~" Peter gasped.

"You and your Funyuns." Wade chuckled as he reached under the arachnid and pulled at Peter's cock with a slick hand, spreading precome over his fingers and down Peter's length.

"Wade," Peter whined. "I want you to breed me. Breed me till everyone knows who I belong to. Tell me who I belong to."

"Your mine Baby Boy. You'll never belong to anyone else. No one will ever have you, no one will ever get to you Baby Boy, you mine and I'm never letting you go. I want my bed sheets to always smell like you. I'm in love with you Peter. I'm in love with you and your body." Wade whispered in the arachnids ear, his words far from dirty whispers... mostly because they weren't dirty, but they were a promise. A promise that Wade loved Peter and every part of him and that there was no flaw he wouldn't adore, each promise accented by a slow, purposeful trust of Wade's hips, like he could slowly pound the words into Peter's being. Brand it on his skin that he belonged to him.

And he had.

He kissed the scars left where Peter's neck net his shoulder, proof of their first mount and declaration of love. A bond wouldn't stick if it weren't a deep desire. It was kept there by continued dedication, trust and love.

Wade had never believed in such a thing until he realized that one of his scars never shifted, they never changed, always the as any other time sank his mating teeth into his skin.

Peter gasped in surprise when he walked into Wade's bedroom. In front of him was an extravagant nest atop of a large bed. He could see the nesting blankets and their unique softness, that Peter truly adored. He wandered over to the nest, looking in to it and giving a purr of acceptance upon scenting himself within it. His blanket and few favorite shirts mixed into the sides of the nest to. He wasted no time as he crawled up and over the tall side as Wade waited patiently next to the bed, watching as the arachnid nosed around the sturdy nest, purring with delight as he found a few things of Wade's, and with it, a stash of gummy worms and a crinkly, unopened, about to burst bag of Funyuns.

Wade's wings twitched at the sight of his courting partner pleased with the nest as he explored, but didn't make a move as the arachnid has yet to accept it. It wasn't until Peter made the move to present to him that he could join Peter within the nest.

(We're going to have such pretty Babies.)

[Why that actual fuck have we not been able to say anything for like the last eleven chapters? I'm offended. What happened to-]

Because it's not about you dimwits, now beat it. You guys always break the mood.

After the chip find, Peter set them aside, on top of the nest wall where they could easily be snatched as he nodded out his scent on the newly laid, unused blankets. He eventually climbed out of the nest and started to investigate the room itself. Following any place where he could scent something of his own, eventually sorting through most of everything that was in the room, commenting and making soft sounds of approval as he made his way back to to the nest.

This was always the hardest part. Wade wasn't never quite sure what would happen in this moment and be waited, heart thrumming loudly in his ears as Peter sent him a shy look with something that Wade could only interpret as fear hidden under the brunettes timidness.

In any relationship, when it comes to the time that courting partners present, the acceptance dance is followed by the nesting present where the nest is either approved of or rejected before there is a final display given by the submissive between the courting pair, either as an acceptance, or an invitation to their courting partner depending on who initiated the dance. Just, that display was something Wade was afraid Peter might be afraid of, the arachnid had hinted towards fear of the act before.

Slowly the grey winged young man pulled off his shirt, pulling his wings through the slits made in all clothing for wings as it was pulled off slowly. Peter's eyes slowly made their way to his feet as he unbuttoned his jeans. He took a shaky breath before wriggling out of the tight skinny jeans.

Wade didn't say anything. He knew Peter was doing this willingly. There was no way of forcing a courting display. Instincts were always far too strong to be influenced by peer pressure without the aid of drugs or some other unnatural force... obviously that didn't mean someone couldn't be raped, but a bond would never form.

Peter took another deep breath, sending a look back over at Wade who simply offered him a warm, reassuring smile, his eyes not leaving Peter's before the arachnid closed his eyes, turning his head back down towards the ground before in a quick, decisive movement. He pulled off his boxers. (which had little kittens on them by the way. Wade thought that was adorable.) Peter quickly scrambled back into the nest nervously, crumpling his blanket up into a basket ball sized blob under his chest, using the mass of access blanket as a pillow for his head as got down on his knees. He turned his gaze towards Wade as he relaxed into the nest, getting comfortable before arching his back, sticking his arse up into the air and spreading his legs. His wings relaxed, hiding part of him from Wade's view as they rested against the bedding, out of the way but in view for Wade as he finished the display with a little, tempting wiggle of his hips as he stared in his courting partners direction.

Wade caught the new scent in the air, his signal to come and complete their bond. He didn't rush his movements as he started to strip in turn, unable to ignore the feeling of  Peter tracing over every detail of his body with his pretty eyes.

Wade's body was quick to start reacting to the  pheromone signal Peter was giving off, his blood rushing to start preparing him for mating, the same going for Peter as he gave him another tempting little wiggle of his hips in a clear tease the said 'come and take me'. It an actual part of a bottom line display, rather a little act Peter was adding to show his trust and acceptance.

Wade climbed into the nest when he was fully undressed, large wings shifting out of the way as he settled just behind Peter.

"I love you Peter," Wade said softly, as he leaned forward to kiss the arachnid softly As he began to gentle Peter with soft strokes down the brunettes neck and scent glands, before trailing down soft wings. Peter's feathers weren't perfect due to mistreatment and lack of care while being hidden away for so long. Wade didn't care, hoping to fix that problem soon. When they were done he'd sit Peter down and preen his lovely mourning dove.

"I love you too." Peter sighed as he completely  relaxed under Wade, pressing back against Wade's erection. This would be different. This would be nothing like what happened so many years ago. He was going to enjoy this, drugged by his own body and nearly ready.

This would be love.

Yes. There will be smut next chapter. I'm not going to leave you hanging... completely...

... not that it'll be amazing by any means.

2 more chapters guys!!!

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