Stolen Secrets

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Warnings: Mild Panic Attack

"No," Peter whispered in horror as he crawled back through the window. His wide eyes where fixed on his nest where it had been slightly disturbed.


The shirt. His shirt.

'The one you stole,' The voice of the hero scorned.

But Peter had needed it. He'd wanted it because he felt safe, it reminded him of what could have been. It made all the pain more bearable to have the scent of his only friend close. Even if Peter wouldn't let him come near.

It had been a piece of home. A part of his nest and comfort spot. It had been a memoir and someone took it. Someone had stolen his only physical reminder of Deadpool. His only secret, stolen possession that made him feel like his world wasn't falling apart around him. He-...

He had been stripped and deprived of the only person he'd ever learned to trust for a short while. Before he realized how stupid it was to trust anyone much less a man all over again.

Peter fell to his knees in front of his nest, body crumpling in on itself as he gave up on supporting his form. He was ashamed of the tears that fell, ashamed of the feelings he'd come to have, and terrified of what would become of him because of it. He couldn't scent anyone who could have taken it. He couldn't smell anything other then the faint remained of Deadpool's masculine scent. Peter had always taken in the smell of leather that covered everything the man owned (happens when you wear leather and Kevlar almost ninety-three percent of the time.) DP also had this weird metally scent about him. Peter had come to conclude that he had to be smelling the man's swords, some metal in his armor, or possibly his firearms. But along with that Deadpool also smelled like something Peter couldn't describe as anything more than Deadpool. You can't really explains someone's literal scent, it's just there.

That and sometimes there was the rare smell of cologne that Peter would come home smelling like on the days it lingered In the man's apartment. But that was besides the point. Someone had taken something Peter needed. Something he needed because he knew he could never get what he really wanted. He wouldn't ever allow himself that.

He didn't deserve it.

He didn't need it.

He couldn't live much longer without it..

He was going to end it if he couldn't find a reason to live without it.

Without love.

"You'll never live without love Peter. I promise," Wade said softly. "I'm never letting you go and I'm never leaving you behind."

"And you'll never remember lo loneliness as long as our love reins. You will never encounter the cold or sadness. Death can try to separate us, but she can not take souls she has not been promised." Peter swore. He'd found a way to keep his

(Where is he?)

[I don't know! This whole knew "choose your own unscripted path" is making life a tiny bit harder I've come to notice]

(But how is this new? The whole Stopwatch series was unplanned. The only thing planned was that they were soulmates which is actuate because we can't choose that anyway...)

"Guys just shut the hell up for a minute would you?" Wade asks as he travels over the rooftops in search of his arachnid... for Peter.

His scars were starting to bother him as he continued on in search of his friend.

He didn't understand Spidey.

He was his best friend, they'd been so close. Close enough that the spider had accepted a courting gift. But then after one mission he just left Wade. Didn't say anything, just walked away and didn't come back yet he'd kept something of Wade's.

In his nest.

... so maybe he didn't want to leave?

Maybe Wade was still-

(Or maybe not.)

[But it was in his nest] The other box argues. You don't just put anything within ones nest. Normally only objects of intimate family members or mates are kept.

(How did he get it?)

Wade looked down at the object in his hands. It's was a shirt he'd forgotten he even owned. It was something from before he'd entered the weapon X program. He was fairly sure it had been probably forgotten in his closet, but he couldn't see Spidey sneaking into his bedroom for a shirt he'd never seen.

[Remember when we had been gong through our things? We'd brought out a box to toss out. Maybe that's where he'd taken it from.]

"Maybe." Wade agreed quietly. It was possible.

His wings shifted, fluttering at the idea that the spider had come back for him. For something of his.

(But it was so he should protect himself from being around you that he only took something that smelt like you.)

Wade sat down. He'd stopped walking and had just been standing, staring down at the shirt in his hands for last few minutes. The graphic on the shirt was almost completely washed away, the red color faded away due to age.

And it smelled like Spidey. Like his nest and home.

"Peter," Wade said, testing the name as he thought of the spider.

Sorry this is short. I needed to make it longer because I couldn't end it where I thought it would be good to cut it off because it only would have been 500 words long. So sorry, I give it to you early. I might update again early too for this but no promises. Hope quality is better next chapter.

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