The crucial hint

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"I love you." Wade hummed happily, wrapping his arms around the smaller'  waist. He was trying to steal away the warmth emitting from the arachnids body from under the covers. The cool air of the room causing goosebumps to rise on the anti-hero's skin. He wasn't a fan of winter, always so cold and dry. He found that cuddling up to warm
Bed bugs was more then enough to concur both birds with a single stone. Peter was warm and liked to moisturize Wade's skin for him. The merc didn't ever take such gifts for granted, always loving each second of shared attention. "Do you wanna continue the story?" He whispered softly.

The arachnid mumbled something in some sleep deprived language Wade wasn't fluent in. He thought he heard something along the lines of 'Why don't you pick up where we left off.' But he wasn't completely positive. He went along with it anyways.

Wade had chosen to look for Peter. It was his best lead. His only lead honestly... he could go door to door and ask for his baby boy but he was fairly sure that would need succeed. Bedsides, he wasn't going to waste his time of having his own free will to be stupid. He needed to do what he needed to do so he could find his friend before something really happened. That is... if it hadn't already.

"Please be okay baby boy. Please be okay. I promise I'll do whatever it takes to make it up to you and fix everything. Just be okay." The merc prayed quietly as he walked up the stairs of the apartment building Peter Parker lived in. He didn't want to take the elevator, the isolation of standing in the box feeling like would overwhelm him if he had to stand still that long with nothing but his thoughts to keep him busy.

He managed to go to the wrong floor and knock on two of the wrong doors before finally getting to Peter Parker's apartment. He knocked on the door politely, waiting patiently for a reply. After a few minutes and no response he knocked again, a little louder this time incase the young man perhaps had earbuds in or perhaps was in the shower. You never know.

Peter actually was scrambling to grab his backpack after forgetting to grab it the first moment he'd heard the sound. He wasn't ready to see anyone. He needed to get away and hide from the danger. He couldn't let them know and he couldn't risk them-

He hears the door open, the lock had been easily picked by the stranger. Peter didn't pause another moment before hopping out the window, carefully shutting it after him before skittering up the side of the building to pull on his suit up there. He wasn't going to let anyone get to him. He didn't care who they were.

Wade walked carefully in. He was patient but he wasn't that patient. If Parker wouldn't answer then he'd investigate what he could now and interrogate later. He walked around the depressing apartment. The lack of anything on the walls was mildly disturbing in its own, unpersonalized way. It didn't seem that the photographer actually lived here. It wasn't his home anyway.

He wandered around finding the most interesting thing in the whole kitchen and living room combined to be a well used blanket.

The mercenary wandered further, cautiously opening what he assumed must have been the bedroom door. He was surprised by the first thing he saw. He hadn't taken Parker to be one who had already nested. He didn't have a wife and Wade was fairly sure he didn't have a girlfriend. He turns away from it to focus on something else in the room, trying to see if he could possibly find something like a photograph, maybe a folder of information he could use.... or maybe a phone?

Wade frowned as he picked up the device. Next to it was a wallet and a keychain that had the apartment keys and what looked like something that belonged to a post office box hooked securely on it.

The mercenary turns the prepaid smart phone on. It was one of the cheaper burner ones, trackfone apparently; the logo lashing bright on the screen before bringing Wade to a lock screen. Wade sighed in disappointment before he realized it was just the context the dots sort of code. All hope wasn't completely lost, he at least had a chance with it.

After getting locked out for a minute he set the phone down and walked around. He was careful not to over turn anything as he investigated. His gaze kept coming back to the nest. It was bugging him. He couldn't detect anyone else's scent in the room. It belonged to only a single person. He approaches the bed, observing the small nest.

[Far to small for a couple.]

"It's still warm," the mercenary notes, his hand having Curiously tested the tangled blankets. They weren't nesting blankets. They looked like old, thrift store quilts and a few cheep pillows.

(So we must have just missed him outside.)

"He forgot his keys, wallet and phone." Wade pointed out as he moved away from the nest, not wanting to get his own scent on it. Instead he went back to the dresser where said objects were to instead look through them.

(Wait.) one of the boxes starts cautiously, sounding almost confused. Wade gives the thought boxes a glance as before going back to going through Parker's cash and business cards.

" What?"

[Is that our shirt?]

Wade stopped, giving the boxes a disturbed look.

(Look in the nest again.)

Cautiously, for once Wade listened to the pair. He was expecting them to say something along the lines of 'gotcha boy; can't believe you'd believe us', but with how weirded out they themselves sounded he couldn't help but trust them.

"Maybe it's just the same one," the mercenary said cautiously.

(Oh sure. Because he totally has a bloodstain in the exact same spot.)

[It has our scent.] The second box mutters once Wade's taken the shirt to pull it closer to smell.

"And it smells like Spidey...In fact. Everything does."

Peter's and Wade's wings.


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Peter. Mourning Dove.  Though that isn't specifically his breed. It's just what he looks like.

Wade: MagpieBlack feathers a iridescent when hit by light

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Wade: Magpie
Black feathers a iridescent when hit by light

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