Be My Comfort

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Peter didn't let go of the mercenary until he was brought home, his eyes remained squeezed shut even after he was set down on the couch and his blanket was wrapped around him. Spider-Man was screaming at him, the strong voice snarling and snapping at him like savage dog for his failures. He wasn't worthy, he couldn't be Spider-Man, he was useless and weak because he was Peter Parker even under the mask. He couldn't be Spider-Man like the voice always wanted, he wasn't strong enough to let him take control. He was weak and stupid, he couldn't do it.

'You're not worthy of being a hero. Always afraid. Never where you're supposed tinge or as strong as you can be. Always choosing to be weak. Stupid, useless child. You should still be back at that home. You should have been killed once you were proven worthless. They should have dumped your dirty, impure corpse in a ditch. That's where you belong. You deserve you're scars, you deserve a razor against your skin, a strangers wings wrapped around you as they use you as a expendable toy.

He clung shamefully to Wade as he listened, afraid of opening his eyes and seeing nothing but wings and feeling hands burning at his naked sides. It wasn't until Wade finally pulled Peters mask off and softly stroked the bridge of his nose that Peter opened tear filled eyes.

'You don't deserve your title. You aren't a hero. You're useless, making everyone pick up after you, always forcing others to save you. Real heroes look down on you, watching as you loose control.'

"I need out." Peter whispered, looking up at Wade with unfocused eyes.

The mercenary looked down at the arachnid he was cradling with confusion. "I can bring you home I just-"

"I need out" Peter whined as he looked up at Wade desperately, as he sat up and put his hands over his ears. "I need out please, please. Get me away from him"

'We can't be separated Peter. I'm Spider-man, you are me, we are each other only I'm better. I'm not weak like you. I've never been afraid and rolled over onto my stomach to present a mating opportunity to a stranger like you have.'

"I didn't know what was going on! I was just a kid." Peter defended, his eyes lock onto something past Wade's face.

The merc forced himself to move after choosing to ignore his confusion as he identified what was going on. It had happened to him more times than he'd ever like to admit. He needed to figure out what Peter needed to make whatever was going on inside his head stop.

Who knew the hero was as plagued with insanity as himself?

"Petey, hey can you hear me?" Wade asked after adjusting the arachnid so he could sit up and face dark, terrified eyes.

'Weak, dependent, stupid, unreliable, a disappointment. This and many more is all that you are Parker. You're garbage.'

Peter whimpered as he shook his head to deny the words. Someone said he wasn't. Someone said he was special and perfect just the way he was. Wade thought so. Wade had said so, many times. Spider-Man couldn't deny that.

'He's wrong. You're not'

"Wade." Peter cried out, a whine deep in his throats as he searched with blind eyes for the man, wanting the merc to protect him from Spider-Man.

'So weak. You need a hero yourself,'

"Stop it. I'm not Spider-Man."

'Sure you are.'

"No!" Peter demanded angrily. He couldn't do this. He wasn't going to be the hero he couldn't be. He didn't want to listen to Spider-Man anymore. He wanted to be free.

Wade didn't know what to do that could help as he watched Peter fight with himself just before the arachnid demanded No again. "Peter wanted out, he didn't know from what, he wanted him to do something for him but he couldn't hear past his own conflict to understand anything that Wade was saying to try and help. Wade didn't understand and he was even more so confused when the arachnid started to tear his suit off and over his head, struggling with the arms with a whine as he shook his head, eyes squeezed shut once more.

"Hey, hey, hey, what are you doing Spidey?" Wade asked as he helped the struggling hero from the tangle of his sleeves.

"I need out." Peter answered, the closest thing to a continua reply Wade had received from him in the last few minutes. He watched in confusion as Peter threw his gloves off before he started trying to wriggled out of his leggings. "I'm not Spider-man." The arachnid demanded, tears having started to run down his face once more as he struggled.

The merc frowned as he started to understand where Peter was going with this. He wanted out of being Spider-Man, and apparently that started with suit.

"No, Peter. You can't do that." The merc said after taking notice that the spandex was being pushed half way down Peter's thighs, and the arachnid, like most spandex wearing heroes didn't have anything under the skin tight outfit and this was certainly not the circumstance in which Wade wanted to finally see what was under that spandex and did his best to avoid it as he moved away from Peter in order to stand up he tried to pull the smaller's hands away from himself but had no luck as the stronger of them both just completely ignored Wade's attempts. Finally, seeing that Peter wasn't taking no for an answer, he grabbed the blanket that had just previously been kicked off by Peter and wrapped it around him once he'd gotten his leggings and boots off.

Peter seemed to calm down after that, panting as he stared down at the red and blue outfit laying on the floor as Wade knelt to hold the blanket tight around Peters shoulders, seeing the Spider had no intentions of holding it himself at the moment.

"Hey Baby Boy,  you there Petey?"

"Yeah." Peter said softly, still gazing down at the suit in front of him as he continued to breath heavily. Peter's wings remained silent and hidden from view, resisting to flare their flight feathers as he calmed down.
He looked lighter, like something heavy had been momentarily lifted  off of his thin shoulders. Like somehow the suit had been weighting him down like lead.

"I'm going to go get you a shirt and some shorts okay?" Wade asked as he carefully tucked a corner of the blanket tightly between Peter's skin and the fold of the blanket so it would stay in place before he slowly stood up.

Peter only nodded, having yet to look up at Wade or at anything else in any manner of interest, causing Wade to pick up the suit in the floor and carry it away into his bedroom when he went to grab some clothes for the arachnid to borrow. He forced himself not to ponder over what just happened, or ask himself questions. He just silently came back out ready to supply for Peters needs.

His Baby Boy was already laying on his side when Wade came back, his beautiful eyes hidden behind closed eyelids. The merc paused as he watched Peter for a long moment, watching as the young man took slow, deep breathes, his eyes still under closed lids giving away to the fact that he was asleep. Wade eventually set down the folded shirt and shorts after watching Peter for a while longer. He was quiet along with his boxes as he curled up behind Peter on the couch and laid a warm wing out over the sleeping spider protectively, making sure to keep his feathers clear of Peter's head.

"I'm sorry I couldn't help you baby boy." He whispered, kissing the back of Peter's neck before nuzzling close to his broken courting partner.

"You always help. Every time." Peter assured softly as they sat together to share their story along with a Bowl of glorified rice.

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