Who am I?

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Early chapter like I promised!
Warnings: Peter gets mildly Dark and Angry.

Spider-Man sat perched on the roof of some tall building. Peter didn't know where. He didn't care. All the buildings. Looked me felt the same. They were all hard and cold like tall standing corpses. They were all he had for company. They were the only constant in Peter's life other than the continuous death surrounding him at all times.

He hated this.

He hated them.


He hated whom ever stole his only comfort from him. If he ever found them they would regret every decision they'd made up to that point that made them decide to take his best suitor's shirt. The only thing he still had of Wade other than a few warm memories he couldn't always remember.

God he couldn't remember anything anymore. Not since the accident. Everything was a blur. Everything was mixed up and completely jumbled. He wasn't sure what was real or from a dream anymore.

He watched a fat scarlet drop fall down from his perch and dive for the ground. He wasn't sure if here the red puddle was coming from. If it was already there when he'd stopped or if he'd made it. He wondered momentarily if it was his or someone else's but came to a conclusion that he honestly didn't care. If it was his then he'd better loose enough not to wake up when he finally fell asleep for the night.

It would be such a relief.

To wake up not longer having to fear every person you passed or ever Shadow you couldn't make out. To not be afraid of being beaten and rapped like he'd had done to him over and over again in his child hood and again in his dreams that continued to haunt him. He'd only ever dreamt of one person who didn't make his sleep a torturous nightmare. Instead it when he was there his dreams had been filled with ridiculous jokes and warmth.

But he's gone.

He's not going to come to Peter. Peter didn't give him any means to try.

'I wonder if he misses me?'


No! He can't think like that. Deadpool isn't coming for him. Deadpool isn't thinking about him and he doesn't miss-!

"Put. That. Down."

Peter startled with the command, dropping the razor he'd been holding as his body stiffened with fear.

Spidey waited a long minute that was filled with nothing but silence. It scared him.

'Maybe it wasn't real? Maybe I just heard it?'

The hero slowly turned his head to look behind him to see if he indeed had imagined it. If he had, he'd end it right now. He wasn't going to put up with his mind playing horrid tricks like that on him-

He froze when his eyes landed on the familiar red and black suit. He didn't know what to do. His body told him to run but his heart and mind told him to stay. He wanted to stay but-

"Peter?" Deadpool questioned as he edged closer. That's when the arachnid's eyes landed on the fabric being help between the man's hands. His heart plummeted as panic started to rise.

He was supposed to keep that a secret. He couldn't let anyone know. Now the most skilled mercenary in the world knew his name. He knew the identity of Spider-Man and Peter was going to be killed because-


Deadpool's tone was soft. Like he had no means to harm Peter or sell him out. It was full of concern, the man did nothing to hide his worry. Peter could sense that Deadpool wanted to touch him. The man had knelt and slowly slowly approached Peter.

Wade wasn't stupid. He knew there was something wrong. There had always been something wrong and he just didn't know what. He wasn't sure why the arachnid truly acted like a creature one had to carefully approach or risk triggering a fight or slight instinct. But he did know that at one point Peter had trusted him, and that after the accident something changed.

Peter didn't move as the merc slowly handed him the shirt. The spider tentatively took back what he'd originally stolen to grasp it tightly and pull it close to his chest. He both remained quiet for a long minute as Peter ducked away to hold his prize while Deadpool remained a hovering presence over him.

"It is Peter right?" The merc finally spoke. He sounded broken, like seeing Spidey again was something he didn't believe would happen again.

It wasn't going to happen again. The spider realized. He would have put himself through the pain simply because he thought it was necessary for himself, it was what he deserved...

He just never considered that it wasn't what Deadpool deserved. He'd never taken into consideration that it would hurt the other as much as it did him. He'd never thought he could possibly be more invested than he himself was. But here the man was, kneeling before him. Brining a peace offing. A hope.

Peter whirled around and tackled the larger in a hug. The mercenary fought to keep his balance in his kneeling position. When he was stable enough the mercenary wrapped his arms around the spider.

"I missed you bug boy." Wade whispered softly into Peter's ear as the smaller continued to hold him in a vice like grip.

"I missed you too," Peter whispered

Deadpool hugged Peter all the more closely, his wings fluttered under his skin where they were carefully hidden.

"I think it's time to go home," the mercenary said quietly as he pulled Peter up onto his Adams so he could carry him. Not because he needed to be carried, not because Spidey wanted to be carried. It was because Wade wasn't going to let him go.

"I don't want to go home." Peter said. He knew that if he went home he'd never get this chance again. He'd freak out and then he'd never let Pool see him again because the fear would return. He'd forget what it was like to have the man at his side.

"My home." Deadpool clarified before they were both falling from the building that was streaked red with Spider-Man's blood. With Peter's blood.

Wade needed to get Peter somewhere safe quickly. Because the way the spider's head was nodding as they flew, and didn't react the the lurch of Wade's wings opening he didn't have much time before he decided to fall asleep. And from there never wake up.

"Our story sounds like it's out of a sad, poorly scripted, depressing  chick flick."

"Yeah well that's because we scripted it AND acted it... low budget and everything. You shouldn't have such high expectations baby boy."

"But we have the best poorly scripted, depressing, chick flick story anyone will ever be able to enjoy."

"You're just stalling because you don't want to get the nitty gritty stuff."

"More like bloody Gorey," Peter solemnly corrected

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